This post is contributed by One Drop Member – Winnie Fannon.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrom (PCOS)
Most women suffer from this, sometimes without us even realising it. Unfortunately, there is really no cure for it except for lifestyle modifications, clean & healthy eating (think whole foods, unprocessed, organic if possible, more plant-based), and being diligent in using our awesome YL products and supplements..
Not only genetics, but women with PCOS tend to have high levels of androgens (aka testosterone)..And high insulin levels. In fact, this is all related. High levels of testosterone create insulin resistance, and vice versa too. Insulin is a hormone the pancreas produces to help the body use sugar from foods for energy.
When cells can’t use insulin properly, the body’s demand for insulin increases. The pancreas makes more insulin to compensate. Extra insulin triggers the ovaries to produce more male hormones. Super super Vicious Cycle!
So cut down on sugars, eat healthy, EXERCISE REGULARLY! And when you drop weight with physical activities/exercise, your PCOS will most likely be under control!

1) Progessence Phyto Plus: Yes this oil is good for all things hormonal..Apply on Neck, forearms, ankles, groin area, womb, wrists. Our progesterone is our stay calm and serene hormone.
2) The Phytoestrogen Oils: Clary Sage, SclarEssence, Lady Sclareol.. Apply like how you would apply Progessence. No right or wrong way to apply. Just apply and use
3) Endoflex Vitality/Endoflex: Put a drop under your tongue, or drink in a glass of water, or apply on your thyroid
4) Ylang Ylang + Dragon Time + Nutmeg: All these oils are good combinations for helping your female hormones balance.
1) Ningxia Red: Personally I find that this helps a lot. Why? Wolfberry helps in tuning the blood sugar levels so it helps with insulin resistance..Get the link?? I take around 150mL to 180mL per day..
2) Sulfurzyme: Women with PCOS often have increased levels of inflammation in their body. Being overweight can also contribute to inflammation. Studies have linked excess inflammation to higher androgen levels. Yeah this guy is SUPER ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, so enough said!! I take 3-4 capsules in the morning and 3-4 capsule at night..
3) Super Hormonal Supplements: Thyromin + Cortistop + PD 80/20 + FemiGen.. Read the instructions on the bottle for directions for use
4) Excellent Overall Supplements: Mineral Essence + Master Formula. If Mineral Essence is too yucky tasting, you can always add it to Ningxia Red
Removing Toxins From your Lifestyle: Think Thieves Products, YL’s Personal Care Products, Clean Chemical Free Savvy Minerals Makeup, Seedlings, DIY Products with YL EOs.
Winnie is a member of OneDrop and shares information about Young Living products on her facebook page and instagram. If you like Winnie’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils, please feel free to get in touch with Winnie or sign up directly here.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Johnathan Oh
Pork chop is one of those dishes that many loved when done properly but avoided preparing on their own because they will more than often end up with a tough and dry pork chop or an under cook one. With this recipe, I am attempting to show you that a perfectly cooked and juicy pork chop is very achievable. Once you have tried this, I do hope that it will change they way you feel about preparing a delicious pork chop in your own kitchen .
Happy cooking, eating and eating well
- 2-3 Pork chop
- 2 cups of sliced red bell peppers
- 2 cloves of garlic – crushed
- 2 shallots finely chopped
- Red wine
- Apple cider
- 1 1/2 cup of chicken/beef stock (I usually use Marmite)
- Ground black pepper
- Ground white pepper
- Salt
- Sugar
- Butter
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
- Essential Oil: Thyme and Basil PLUS.
How to use Essential Oil (EO) for cooking:
First and foremost, please check and ensure that the essential oils that you intend to use are safe for ingestion. I got mine from here, so I know that I could use them with a peace of mind.
I use Thyme and Basil PLUS Essential Oil for this dish. In order to use the EO to cook, please try to adhere to the following:
- DO NOT use EO from unknown, unspecified and unverified sources (Can’t stress this enough)
- DO NOT drip the EO directly on your dish
- DO NOT use EO on direct heat to avoid destroying the benefits of the EO
This is how you SHOULD do when using the EO for cooking this recipe. Pour some EVOO into a small bowl, then mix (dilute) the Essential Oil into the EVOO so that you can add the EO evenly and safely to the dish. By the way, dripping the EO directly on the dish will not cause you to die from EO overdose BUT it will definitely destroy your dish.
For this dish, mix ONE drop of Thyme PLUS Essential Oil with 1 Tablespoon of EVOO in a bowl. Reserve one teaspoon of the mixture for each piece of pork chop you are preparing. When you have remove the pork chop from the oven, spoon the mixture over the pork chop and let the pork chop rest for another 5-10 minutes.
Once you are done spooning the mixture over the pork chop, use the same bowl with the remaining oil and add ONE drop of Basil PLUS Essential Oil and 1 Tablespoon of EVOO. Mix well and incorporate them into the sauce.
- Wash and pat dry the pork chop.
TIPS: If the pork is still wet, it will not brown well in the pan. So pat it as dry as possible. - Season and coat the pork chop well with ground black pepper, ground white pepper and salt.
- Pre-heat the oven to 190C (degree Celsius or 375 Fahrenheit).
- Heat up a pan till smoking. Add EVOO and the pork chop to sear for 3 minutes or until golden brown.
- Turn to sear the other side of the pork chop and add the garlic and 2 knobs of butter into the pan. Baste the pork chop with the oil for another 3 minutes or until the other side has browned nicely.
- Remove the pork chop and place it into the oven to bake for 3 minutes. Switch off the oven and let the pork chop rest in the oven.
- Using the same searing pan, remove the garlic, add the chopped shallots into the pan for caramelising. Add 1/2 teaspoon of raw sugar to the shallots and season with black pepper and salt.
- Add 3 Tablespoon of red wine into the pan to de-glaze the pan. Tilt the pan a little to burn out the alcohol.
- Add the bell peppers and 4 Tablespoon of apple cider into the pan, stir and let it cook for 3 minutes.
- Add the chicken/beef stock into the pan. Bring to boil and lower the heat to simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat.
- Bring the pork chop out of the oven and place them on a plate.
- Add the roast juice (if any) and a knob of butter into the sauce pan and mix them in.
- Serve the pork chop with some carbo (I choose millet cooked with bacon and tomato puree but you can choose mashed potatoes, roasted vegetable, roasted pineapple etc.) or simple serve it as is with the delicious sweet and sour pepper sauce.
In order to cook meat or protein perfectly, I usually employs the searing and baking option. The searing cooked the external of the meat so that it acted like a seal to keep all the juices of the meat within the uncooked part of the meat. This is followed by the baking which cooks the inside of the meat (uncooked part). So, you may ask, since the external is already browned, wouldn’t the baking cause the exterior to char? Yes and No. If you bake continually at high temperature, yes, the exterior will char. So how do you overcome this? The answer is, you cook with the residual heat or you cook with very low heat for a very long time. I usually do not encourage the latter. Why? Because 1) electricity bill is not exactly cheap; and 2) the former option works like a charm.
For this pork chop recipe, I employ a 3:3:3 option i.e. 3 minutes searing on one side, 3 minutes searing on the other side, 3 minutes baking in the oven. When you open the oven, you will lose some heat in the oven so by baking the pork chop for 3 minutes, it allows for the oven to go back up to the desired temperature of 190C (degree Celsius or 375 Fahrenheit), bake the port chop for a short while and let the residual heat penetrate the meat as the oven is cooling down. This method will ensure that the pork chop is not only cooked perfectly, but retains an absolutely juicy texture. Oh by the way, DO NOT tenderize the pork chop. You do not need to.
If you like Johnathan’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please email Johnathan here. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here to join Johnathan and his team.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
Immunology is the study of the immune system and is a very important branch of the medical and biological sciences. The immune system is definitely one of the most important systems in your body. I’ve always referred to it as the body’s first line of defense and we must take care of it! And in this blog, I am going to simplify and help you understand a bit of Immunology and why you will want to use ImmuPower to support.
Our Immune System Organs
Here’s a diagram of our organs that made up our Immune System:

- Thymus: The thymus is an organ located in the upper chest. Immature lymphocytes leave the bone marrow and find their way to the thymus where they are “educated” to become mature T-lymphocytes.
- Liver: The liver is the major organ responsible for synthesizing proteins of the complement system. In addition, it contains large numbers of phagocytic cells which ingest bacteria in the blood as it passes through the liver.
- Bone Marrow: The bone marrow is the location where all cells of the immune system begin their development from primitive stem cells.
- Tonsils: Tonsils are collections of lymphocytes in the throat.
- Lymph Nodes: Lymph nodes are collections of B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes throughout the body. Cells congregate in lymph nodes to communicate with each other.
- Spleen: The spleen is a collection of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and monocytes. It serves to filter the blood and provides a site for organisms and cells of the immune system to interact.
- Blood: Blood is the circulatory system that carries cells and proteins of the immune system from one part of the body to another.
Cells of the Immune System
- Bone marrow: The site in the body where most of the cells of the immune system are produced as immature or stem cells.
- Stem cells: These cells have the potential to differentiate and mature into the different cells of the immune system.
- Thymus: An organ located in the chest which instructs immature lymphocytes to become mature T-lymphocytes.
- B-Cells: These lymphocytes arise in the bone marrow and differentiate into plasma cells which in turn produce immunoglobulins (antibodies).
- Cytotoxic T-cells: These lymphocytes mature in the thymus and are responsible for killing infected cells.
- Helper T-cells: These specialized lymphocytes “help” other T-cells and B-cells to perform their functions.
- Plasma Cells: These cells develop from B-cells and are the cells that make immunoglobulin for the serum and the secretions.
- Immunoglobulins: These highly specialized protein molecules, also known as antibodies, fit foreign antigens, such as polio, like a lock and key. Their variety is so extensive that they can be produced to match all possible microorganisms in our environment.
- Neutrophils (Polymorphonuclear PMN Cell): A type of cell found in the blood stream that rapidly ingests microorganisms and kills them.
- Monocytes:A type of phagocytic cell found in the blood stream which develops into a macrophage when it migrates to tissues.
- Red Blood Cells: The cells in the blood stream which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
- Platelets: Small cells in the blood stream which are important in blood clotting.
- Dendritic Cells: Important cells in presenting antigen to immune system cells.
After going through so many websites on google, I gathered most of the information above from: https://primaryimmune.org/immune-system-and-primary-immunodeficiency
Which is to the point and very clear for me.
And as you can see, there are many many parts of our bodies that governs our immune system and they are working on overdrive whenever we are stressed…too tired…hormonal imbalances…they come as a package! Immune and hormones…so you feel even suckier.
But hang on…hang on…the founder of Young Living, Gary Young, already created the solution for us. It is called “ImmuPower”. ImmuPower is a blend made with Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Ravintsara, Oregano, Clove, Cumin, Idaho Tansy. Each of those oils were carefully chosen for their wonderful capabilities to help bring the body’s physical and emotional health. Take a drop or two of ImmuPower, mix it with V6 and apply it upwards from the base of your spine to near your neck. You can throwing in some feathering strokes like in Raindrop as you apply ImmuPower because…the stroking movement will stimulate the Parasympathetic Nervous System which in turn…supported your Immune System!
In layman’s term, what ImmuPower does is that it take over the job of supporting the immune system (first line of defense remember?) and thus the body has time to go fix the other stuffs! And that…ladies and gentlemen…is why you will want ImmuPower on your order list!
Isn’t it wonderful and amazing how our bodies are designed? All we need to do is learn and find out for ourselves.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Faith Teo.
Retrenchment isn’t something new in my family’s lives.
– From age 18 to 34, I’ve been retrenched 4 times in my career.
– In 2007, the Singapore Armed Forces let go of my hubs, Jon, after 13 years in the military.
– My dad has been retrenched in his 40s after serving a company faithfully for 27 years. This year, he almost got retrenched again, if not for the grace of his boss who intervened and asked him to go for job retraining.
– In 2007, the Singapore Armed Forces let go of my hubs, Jon, after 13 years in the military.
– My dad has been retrenched in his 40s after serving a company faithfully for 27 years. This year, he almost got retrenched again, if not for the grace of his boss who intervened and asked him to go for job retraining.
Retrenchment SUCKS big time. The first time when I was retrenched when I was 21, whoa, I remembered I spent 1 month dazed and ashamed at home. I remembered feeling defeated and thinking that I wasn’t good enough, why is this happening to me, the world isn’t fair and so on.
As I got older, I woke up. Especially there was this time when I was laid off from Thomson-Reuters at the same time my dad was also laid off. Whoa. That was a double whammy. That was also the time that my hubs was already jobless from the army. Triple threat.
The sudden real need to struggle and worry about finances.
My mom asking me for money to pay the bills.
Funding my sister’s education.
Feeding a family of five (parents, hubs, sis and me).
My mom asking me for money to pay the bills.
Funding my sister’s education.
Feeding a family of five (parents, hubs, sis and me).
When I landed into Citi 4 months later, I remembered walking in with a very clear head. The contract I have negotiated for was very attractive. I have gotten a 50% pay raise and I was promoted to manager.
Sounds peachy right?
But I remembered sitting down at my desk and thinking… “The life of an employee is not the life I want. I want more control over the source and creation of my income. I want to choose how my environment is like. I will not tolerate to be sacrificed just because of a change of company direction / outsourcing / reorganisation.”
The book Rich Dad Poor Dad literally changed my outlook on my financial life. Then Young Living came 3 years later and the rest is history till today.
Some things i’m actually grateful to RETRENCHMENT for:
- It taught me A LOT about RESILIENCE and GRIT.
- It got me very clear on my strengths and what skills I can leverage myself on to get to a better place.
- It literally opened my eyes. How many colleagues do you have that is in their 60s, 70s? Especially in senior or managerial positions. Don’t count the tea lady or the cleaner. My guess is, very little. Or none.
- It pushes me to expand my life view beyond just my job, my performance metrics, my boss, my team, paying the bills and putting food on the table.
- Focus on the present. This very moment. Am I breathing? Yup. In good health? Yes. Do I have my brains? Oh yes. Then everything is possible and nothing is impossible.
- S T R E E E E E T C H me outta my comfort zone.
- Challenge me to dare to hold the belief that I can thrive in adversity and not just be a passive and resigned participant. After all since I’m already paying the price for retrenchment (hello shame and doubt, I don’t welcome you!), I want to look back one day and say, I’m grateful I got retrenched because…..
Regardless what happens in my life thereafter, what I’ve learnt above, will never be taken away from me, unlike an income.
I wrote this article not because I wanted to champion how strong or how brilliant I am. Rather I wrote this post because I understand there are people out there, perhaps in this group, perhaps people you know, who ARE worried / stressed about losing their jobs or getting a pay cut. Or already have.
I get you. I do. I’ve been there too. That anxiety, that despair, the bone gnawing worry that keeps you up awake at night. Breaking down. The tears.
((( Hugs )))
Here’s some tools and oils that could be helpful. It could be wise to use a combination of both. Pick the ones that draw you in.
Simply put, our thoughts and words shape our reality in time so being intentional in our thoughts help us too, to create the reality we want too.
Simply put, our thoughts and words shape our reality in time so being intentional in our thoughts help us too, to create the reality we want too.
Here’s a simple way to change our perspective by changing the words we use. Pick a situation that you are unhappy or frustrated with. For example, you could be unhappy with work. (Ok I can hear your mind going off at 1000 miles an hour on how much you don’t like it.)
Then say or write this sentence:
“I GET to do this work because….”
For example:
“I get to do this work because I can provide for my family.”
“I get to do this work and get to pick up new skills at the same time.”
“I get to do this work and practice being resilient too when times are stressful.”
“I get to do this work and get to pick up new skills at the same time.”
“I get to do this work and practice being resilient too when times are stressful.”
Keep building up this list! How do you feel now after the exercise?
I noticed that when I feel stuck in a emotion and keep going round in circles, one of the most helpful things I can do for myself is to BREAK STATE.
I noticed that when I feel stuck in a emotion and keep going round in circles, one of the most helpful things I can do for myself is to BREAK STATE.
What is break state? In NLP terms (google Neuro Linguistic Programming if you want to know more about it), a break state is a sudden change in the context of speaking or movement that changes a person’s state quickly.
It could be as simple as going for a walk. The other method I like, is to stand up and move my body. Even doing some quick jogging on the spot helps too. The mind and body are interconnected so if your mind is feeling stuck on an emotion you don’t want, move your body to shift your mind.
If you don’t have the option to speak to an empathetic friend about your troubles, write down your thoughts and how you feel. Give yourself permission to just rant – there’s no need to be politically correct or censor yourself.
If you don’t have the option to speak to an empathetic friend about your troubles, write down your thoughts and how you feel. Give yourself permission to just rant – there’s no need to be politically correct or censor yourself.
Don’t like writing? Then take your smart phone and pull out the audio recording app in it. Most phones come with it (or you can downoad). Then off you go, offload how you feel!
Oils to help:
Oils to help:
I noticed when I feel stuck in a yucky emotion, I am also unsettled, unsteady and uneasy. I like Grounding because it helps me to find my footing and have a sense of being anchored into stability and strength. I need that in order to start saving myself from that situation.
I noticed when I feel stuck in a yucky emotion, I am also unsettled, unsteady and uneasy. I like Grounding because it helps me to find my footing and have a sense of being anchored into stability and strength. I need that in order to start saving myself from that situation.
With negative emotions, I realised that I could hold on to it for yokes even after the event has passed. Case in point, I was actually still traumatised by retrenchment, even FIVE years after it has happened and I’m already in a good place. Emotions can affect my hormones and thus my health so releasing is so important for me.
With negative emotions, I realised that I could hold on to it for yokes even after the event has passed. Case in point, I was actually still traumatised by retrenchment, even FIVE years after it has happened and I’m already in a good place. Emotions can affect my hormones and thus my health so releasing is so important for me.
With Release, if you are working on anger, try applying it over your liver (right of your tummy). Grief? Over your lungs.
Present Time
So often I found myself resisting what I am feeling and thinking. I tried to play it down, distract myself, avoid it. Or keep thinking about the past where things are better or dream of escaping into the future where all this is behind me.
So often I found myself resisting what I am feeling and thinking. I tried to play it down, distract myself, avoid it. Or keep thinking about the past where things are better or dream of escaping into the future where all this is behind me.
But the present is where my powers and abilities are. Present Time goes a long way for me to practice acceptance of the current situation. Because once I stop resisting and accepting it, my mind is more able to find solutions around it.
When I am stuck on a belief and I am HURTING because it does not serve me, I use Transformation.
When I am stuck on a belief and I am HURTING because it does not serve me, I use Transformation.
Transformation is my gentle way of shifting gradually into a new mindset that supports me moving towards what I want. This was also one of my most powerful oils to help me make the transition from being an employee to being a successful entreprenuer when I was filled with so many doubts on whether I could actually do it.
How to apply:
With these oils, my favourite place to apply is my forehead, temples and on my chest.
Would you like to let the wisdom of your body decide? Then drip the oil on your cupped palms, and ask quietly, “Where does my body need this oil?” Then let your hands drop. You may find that your hands will instinctively go to that place that much needed it. We have trigger points all over our body and you might actually be drawn to applying the oil on one of them that helps you to work through your emotions too.
If you are in this space, I invite you to take a step back, mentally, where you are at.
One breath at a time.
Even if you are bitter, angry, resigned.
One breath at a time.
Even if you are bitter, angry, resigned.
This soon (maybe not soon enough for us all) shall pass.
Till then, CHOOSE to find that gem of wisdom within your experience to grow from.
Forge ahead, no matter what, because I believe in the best version of you.
Forge ahead, no matter what, because I believe in the best version of you.
You are seen.
You are heard.
You are loved.
You are heard.
You are loved.
With all my heart,
I hope this article is helpful. Drop me a comment or question on FB (Faith Teo) or IG @bibibabubi. I’m usually creating content too at the FB group, Let’s Add Oil – you are so welcome to join me there too.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
Summary and excerpts from Gary Young’s Training Tape 17.
When we are dealing with emotions and emotional problems, always start with Valor. Valor is important as the first step for grounding first. Apply Valor and hold onto the feet for 5 to 10 minutes. Allowing for time to feel, think and reflect on their feelings.
The next oil will be Harmony, because it helps to set the frequency, harmonizing the energy centers (chakras, meridians or whatever terms you are accustomed to). Harmony helps to open up the energy blocks in your body to get the energy flowing properly through it. It also sets a beautiful tone which your body responds to.
Spend about 10 minutes between the two oils in the application. Take it slowly and allow for emotional release when it happens. But it differs from person to person as not everyone is comfortable with baring their emotions in public.
Gary said, “When you are dealing with emotions, you do it very, very quietly – no talking, no music playing, no strobe lights running, no waterfalls, no frogs croaking, crickets cricking – nothing but total silence.”
This is because we are programmed to lock onto the sound instead of going to the feeling. It’s just like driving down the road and turning the radio on. Where does your mind go? It goes to the sound. That’s why the ancient Egyptians had a sealed room where they carried out emotional clearing ritual. With the door closed and locked and not one single sound can be heard. Even in daylight, the room was dark because it has a only very tiny door. So it was total silence and total sightlessness that helped shifted them into a space where they could bring up their feelings. That is the key of it.
In certain Tibetan monasteries, they deal with emotionally distraught people with behavior problems by putting them in a solid room with a little door and a window. It was a plain room with no colors on the wall, just cement. And a chair, and that’s it. They put them there for 3 days and 3 nights and there’s a cot at night for them to sleep on. The people in the room were handed juice and water periodically. An old gentleman told Gary about this and he said, “Mr Young, when man cannot see, and man cannot talk, and man cannot hear – he deals with himself.”
Putting Valor and Harmony on will help you get in that space. And when memories start to surface, treasure the good ones and reinforce them for they give you strength and appreciation for being alive in this world. But if a negative memory came up, bless it, release it and let it go. Replace it with a good thought. Take Present time and rub it on the thalamus and lay there and give it 10 minutes.
“What do I feel like I really need? Do I know who I am? Am I proud of what I am? Am I motivated about what I am doing in life? Am I angry? Do I need to deal with forgiveness? Do I need more hope in my life?” Just role-play that in your mind and see which one of the oil blends grabs you, and maybe that particular time as you go down through it, you recall…
“Golly, I really need to forgive my sweetheart for saying that I look pretty dorky. “ Then grab Forgiveness and just rub it on the face and rub it around the tummy button…because maybe your sweetheart said something that made you upset and you got angry at her and hollered back or made a derogatory comment or something. Folks, use these oils to empower your relationship with your loved ones. Use them to go there and do these things.
Dream Catcher stimulates the mind to dream and it helps you to anchor onto those dreams. Gary believed the biggest part about dreaming is following your dream all the way through to fruition. Once you have burst the dream, it may not materialize in the exactness, but if you stay with it you will get some form of it into completion, and generally it will turn out better than the original dream, so that is really important.
Having experienced what the oils had created for people on an emotional level, Gary created the Feelings Kit. To assist with emotional release. However, if you know of someone who does have a real heavy-duty emotional problem, just give them an oil to start off with. You can consider giving them Joy, or Forgiveness.
Use White Angelica to seal and protect that emotion or feeling you’ve released. Take White Angelica and rub it on your chest, shoulders and the back of your neck. Wear it every day to protect you.
Or perhaps you need to look at finding somebody here before you leave who will be your buddy (if you are a single person living alone) where you can say, “Can I call you to get reinforcement? Can I call you to encourage you?” Just create a buddy system so when you go out of this room tonight you don’t sabotage yourself and undo all that you are feeling right now, but that you carry it forward until it manifests in your life.
For OneDroppers, you may find the full transcript on our Learning Vault. If you do not have the access to the vault, please email to admin@onedrop.sg with your member name and member ID for access details.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com.
If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.