This post is contributed by One Drop member – Kaye Ng.
As an oiler, you would probably know by now that traveling with your essential oils is a MUST HAVE. You can’t live without your oils, much worse being caught in a situation overseas WITHOUT them – that’s almost like committing suicide!
So before I go into some of my own MUST HAVE oils. Lets go through the basics:
• How can I pack my oils?
Personally for me, I always have about 5-10 bottles of oils with me on the plane, and another 10-20 bottles in the luggage. I pack them normally in an oil pouch or bag and try to ensure that the caps are tightened well. Generally they don’t leak… but sometimes they do and you will just end up with an oil bag with a nice oily scent. heh.
• How many oils can I travel with?
You can check in as many oils you want. However, you should only carry a total of 1L worth of liquids in your hand carry – that is about 66 bottles of 15ml oils. 1L is ALOT to carry honestly. I know many people who carry alot more oils than me, but hey… we girls gotta keep some of that weight for shopping right?
• What other oil related items are a must have?
This is totally up to you but here are some other items that I need to have when I travel.
1. Empty Capsules – This is super impt for me coz I like to take some of my oils internally so the capsules are a must for those occasions
2. Diffuser – A small portable diffuser is always handy when you are in a hotel room esp if you are traveling with kids, or if you are not staying at some up market accommodations – sometimes u need to diffuse to clear the air or energy of the place (if you get wat I mean… 👻 haha)
3. V6 – Carrier oil!!! Esp if you are travelling with young kids and need to dilute your oils, then a carrier oil is a MUST. Of course I dont bring the entire V6 bottle out – transfer it out into a small bottle and bring it along! It will help you use your oils easily!
Ok so, lets go through very quickly some of my must have oils:
• Thieves – DUH. This is for immunity right? A must have at the sign of the first sniffle or scratchy throat. I love that this one now comes in a roller form, so bring the roll-on instead if you have for easy application.
• Purification – For all those itchy bites or smelly rooms. Basically a must have if you are going anywhere that might have you come into contact with anything from a fly to a mossie.
• Peppermint – Very helpful when you are hot and bothered with the weather. To prevent you from giving such a face > 🤢 when you are on the plane or boat. When your head feels like its about to explode and when the taxi smells funky. Yup, can’t live without this one.
• Tranquil – Believe it or not, I sometimes find it hard to fall asleep in a new environment. Tranquil helps me settle into sleep faster and calms me down, so I always bring this with me on my travels too!
• Palo Santo – YUP.. hahah I am very wary of weird ass hotel rooms. Palo Santo is my must have to chase away woo woo things. haha. Like I said, this is MY must have list, for you brave souls out there, you can give this a miss I guess.
• Lavender – The swiss army knife of oils. While overseas, I can literally get bug-eyed when the flowers start blooming, Lavender helps me ensure that my eyes don’t water and it doesn’t feel like its about to pop out of its socket. This is also a great oil just in case you get into any small mishaps and red juice starts to flow out of u. heh. (I hope you guys are enjoying my creative writing so that I can stay as complaint as possible)
• Breathe Again – Ive always been born with a sensitive nose. Many things can send it off into an array of sneezes and the water tap can run for no reason at all. I love this roll-on specifically because its sooo convenient to use and bring around and to roll around my sinus cavities to give it some relief. Its one of my must haves on the plan esp to help with blockages.
• Deep Relief – When you start walking like an old woman after the 2nd day of visiting all the sights while being a camel carrying the family’s survival kit around, this oil will instantly become your savior. It is also great for that pounding drum in your head. 😉
• Digize – Nothing is worse than going on a holiday and then having to find a toilet at every turn. DIGIZE TO THE RESCUE. I always take my capsules with these. Don’t try those street side food if you don’t have Digize with you!
• White Angelica – I can’t live without this oil. Traveling with kiddo (and sometimes the husband too) can really drive me up the wall at times. So some extra protection to keep negative vibes away from me and to help me remain calm is really impt to me. I don't wanna ruin my own holiday by being grumpy and frazzled. So yes, this oils every morning or whenever needed to help me stay ZEN 😇 throughout the trip.
Thats just some of my must have oils! I hope it gives you a little insight on what oils to bring for your trip!
Remember, don't travel without your oils – you need them with you all the time!
If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at kaye@onedrop.sg or sign up here to buy the products.