This post is contributed by One Drop business manager – Kaye Ng.

It hasn’t been an easy year for me. Its been a year of much growth and learning. Stepping out of my comfort zone to do what I need to do – pulling up my little girl panties to get big girl work done.

Its been a journey on learning how to do the necessary despite the major self resistance. Learning how to get past my own mental blocks to support others and to build relations. YES! it is tiring – I wont deny that, but it is also ultra rewarding. I know my journey has just started and I have tons more to learn.

The other day while feeling tired and uninspired to hustle, I decided to take out some of the YL oils to get my ass on fire.
Oils like: Light the Fire | Motivation | Believe | Build Your Dream | Highest Potential | Envision

I also remembered a blend that Kai introduced me to. Its called the momentum blend. I couldn’t remember the recipe so I quickly googled it and found alot more blends of the like which u could do to totally get your ass going!  #girlbossmodeon

So lets take a step step back. How does applying some oils affect the way you work, or supposedly get you motivated? I know many people may start rolling their eyes now, but follow me here as I go through some common scents which you are probably already familiar with.

Ever smelt a bottle of Peppermint? Smelling peppermint def makes you feel alert! How about lavender? It makes you feel all relaxed and sleepy right? Lemon and Orange? They make you feel refreshed! Similarly, just like how these oils make you feel awake or refreshed, these oil blends have been formulated to help one feel more motivated or inspired.

In a very very simple explanation, oils when inhaled, travel up to your brain and signal different reactions in your body. Some can affect hormones, others mood or even organ function.

So ready to see those blends I found?

  • 10 drops Sacred Frankincense
  • 8 drops Believe
  • 5 drops Into the Future
  • 5 drops Motivation
  • 3 drops Highest Potential
  • 3 drops Gathering
  • 3 drops Present Time
  • 1 drop Abundance
  • 3 drops Orange
  • 3 drops Peppermint
  • 3 drops Frankincense
  • 3 drops Grapefruit

  • 6 drops Valor
  • 2 drops Abundance
  • 2 drops Motivation
  • 4 drops Bergamot
  • 1 drop Brain Power
  • 4 drops Lemon
  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops Patchouli
  • 6 drops Cedarwood
  • 6 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • 6 drops Pine
  • 6 drops Frankincense
  • 9 drops Vetiver
  • 10 drops Sandalwood
For all the blends:
➤ Place in a roller bottle and top up with a carrier oil (optional).
➤ Roll over temples, heart and cup over hands and inhale deeply.
Go try them and see if they motivate you or at least set you better down into concentration and work.

If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at or sign up here to buy the products.


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