This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
During Convention this year, Young Living introduced our newest partner farm! Happy Pili Tree Farm in the Philippines. The announcement and farm was introduced by Laura Walker, Dr Michael Buch and Matthew French (each of them representing one pillar – Sourcing, Science and Standards) during general session. It was very exciting to see them on stage all together and they shared in depth details about the farm.
Belonging to the same family of plants as Frankincense and Myrrh, the Pili tree is known for its smooth and aromatic bark. But an even more precious commodity was found below the surface of the pili tree bark. The Pili tree releases resin from its barks and roots. Located in a bitter region, close to five volcanoes, this means the soil is extremely rich and fertile. The tropical climate with many typhoons during the rainy season actually helped the tree produce a higher volume of resins. However, over the last few decades, deforestation had become rampant and harvesters were damaging the trees without understanding that it is possible to keep the tree healthy and in production for generations to come.
Sadly, the trees were often cut down for the woods. The wood was used as firewood and the resins were used as fire starter. Many did not realize that they were burning a precious source of income from their own land!
Local farmers and harvesters were not receiving proper training and they were cut too deeply and scrape off large chunks of bark. Or they will overcut the trees, believing that this will produce the most resin. These practises left the trees open to infection and pest invasion.
A lady organic agriculture advocate Ms. Rosalina S. Tan, known as Lina, Rose or Mommy to most, is the Chair-Emeritus of OPTA (Organic Producers & Trade Association, Phil.) Rosalina with all her passion for organics trailblazed to uncover the secrets of the Pili tree. Rosalina was determined to find ways to help her fellow Filipinos and she began learning and teaching to the Filipinos about how to tap and harvest the Pili tree properly. Young Living recognises the efforts and importance of keeping distillation at the local level and offered them a grant to build their very first commercial scale distillery.
This move help to create new jobs, increases revenues and refined class interest, agricultural education and sustainability practises. Resident harvesters are paid for sustainable tapping. Which pays them better than illegally poaching the trees!
With their commitments and mission to place people at the center of their process and a value of caring for the trees, Young Living is proud to be a part of this amazing project with Rosalina and her team!
About Elemi:
Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) has a spicy, incense-like scent that is soft and somewhat balsamic. A member of the same botanical family as frankincense and myrrh, it has been used traditionally in Europe for the skin. Elemi is highly regarded for reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles, skin support, and for soothing muscles after exercise.
Elemi essential oil is spicy and grounding and has been used in Europe for centuries in their facial and skin salves. Elemi is a cousin to myrrh and frankincense (Boswellia carterii) and is often referred to as “the poor man’s frankincense”. as it is a bit easier on the pocket. The Egyptians used Elemi for embalming. Today this essential oil is still a terrific choice for aging skin, fine lines and wrinkles as well as helping with skin tone improvement. The fragrant influence is supportive of meditation and grounding. Nice to apply after exercise to fatigued muscles.
The 3 Pillars – Sourcing, Science and Standards (Laura Walker, Dr Michael Buch and Matthew French) talking about the Happy Pili Tree Farm during Convention 2018:
Laura Walker video on The Happy Pili Tree Farm:
“Chosen as a partner farm because of its ethical and conscientious harvesting methods, the Happy Pili Tree Farm is Young Living’s main supplier of Elemi essential oil. With expertise on how to legally and sustainably source this precious plant and provide fair wages to workers, the farm protects natural resources and helps ensure long-term viability of high-quality Elemi essential oil. The farm has also vertically integrated the production process by building a distillery on site, keeping job opportunities and expertise within the community.”
Learn more about this and other farms, here: http://seedtoseal.com
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.