This post is contributed by One Drop’s Founder – Sheena Ling.
Our brain does not work in a linear fashion, but we act like it does. And that’s detrimental and slows down learning. Let me explain.
I was sitting at Starbucks recently and there was this mother and son at the next table. The son was trying to finish his tuition homework before going home.
Son: “I dunno how to do… I very tired..”
Mother: “Quick do. Later you must show your tuition teacher.”
Son: starts sighing and running his hand through his hair in exasperation
Mother: “Do your work properly if not cannot pass exams then you know”
Son: “But i cannot think… I still have alot I dunno how to do… I feel very tired…”
Mother: “You put aside how you feel first. Finish your homework already then later it will feel ok.”
We hear that frequently don’t we? We either tell that to ourselves or others – “Put your emotions aside first. Solve this problem logically then we address the emotions”. First of all, we very often forget to address the stress and emotions. Secondly, according to neurosciences, we physiologically cannot do that.
We have 3 main functions of the brain when it comes to learning. The logical (neocortex), the emotional (limbic system) and the primal instincts (reptilian brain in charge of fight/flight responses). We act like these 3 functions are 3 different switches that we can switch on and off at will. But in fact, it doesn’t. Our logical, emotional and primal minds work together, all the time.
The bad news around it, is that everytime we attempt to switch our emotions off by numbing or avoiding it, we will indirectly numb the capacity of our logical brain too.
The great news about this, is that, when we learn to address the needs of our negative emotions (e.g. feeling overwhelmed) and turn them into positive ones (e.g. feeling understood and believed in), it will automatically increase the logical mind’s capacity to learn, understand and retain information.
As we learn to address certain recurring emotions on a conversational level with our kids/students/colleagues even, on a cellular level, we can support that conversation using the essential oils.
Addressing emotions (especialy the negative ones) are not the easiest due to certain beliefs we have around them, for example, expressing sadness equates to one being weak. These beliefs stop us from 1. Acknowledging that emotions are valuable, 2. Fully experiencing those emotions and, 3. Addressing the root causes of those emotions. Essential oils come in highly effective in this case when inhaled because our sense of smell, out of the five senses that we have, is the only one that activates and recalibrates the emotional parts of the brain directly without any of those beliefs and filters.
Any oils used for emotional needs, should then preferably be diffused or applied on areas (like the chest area) where the spread out oils can be inhaled.
Below are some of the oils I personally like to use for the different emotional needs, either for myself or on others.
To facilitate any emotional release
To facilitate any creation of new beliefs and possibilities
Certain specific emotions
Grief: Frankincense, Trauma Life, Gathering
Shame: Humility, Present Time
Hopelessness: Believe, Valor, Gathering
Anger: Humility, Awaken, Forgiveness
Fear: Highest Potential, Believe, Forgiveness
Grief: Frankincense, Trauma Life, Gathering
Shame: Humility, Present Time
Hopelessness: Believe, Valor, Gathering
Anger: Humility, Awaken, Forgiveness
Fear: Highest Potential, Believe, Forgiveness
The reasons behind why certain oils are chosen for certain emotions, stem from certain psychological and neuroscientific researches. Drop me a note should you want to enquire more about it.
Sheena is a co-founder of OneDrop and the founder of The Inside Space. To nurture future changemakers, Sheena believes we need to focus on raising both leaders and architects of culture. Check out www.theinsidespace.com to find out more about the programs Sheena’s company has to offer. If you like articles such as these, follow them on https://www.facebook.com/theinsidespace. If you would like to purchase the Young Living oils, please feel free to get in touch with Sheena or sign up directly here.