This post is contributed by One Drop member – Faith Teo.

At the grand old age of 22 months, my little boy Sol started school. 😉 This mama is so looking forward to him playing and making friends and learning in school but she also knows that Sol is deeply attached to Papa, Jie Jie and herself.

To prep him for school, here is what we do.

Physical Health

To make him strong and robust for school since its so easy to catch any invited guests there, this is what we offered to him daily:

Super C Chewable. He takes one a day. Honestly because he loves the taste so much, he does beg for more!

Ningxia Red. Ah he loves drinking it in his shot glass and going cheers with us at the same time. He loves it neat and takes 30 ml each day. Sometimes he ask for another serving too.

When we can remember, we apply a dab of Thieves on his soles. I also like oils like Frankincense, Lemon, Oregano, Basil, Thyme on soles too to keep him healthy!

Emotional and Mental Health

While this mama can’t wait for him to go to school (cos she can then work in peace, hehe), we knew that it would be a period of stress for him as he adapts. So this is what we apply on him before school:

A swipe of Tranquil and Joy on his chest and back of neck. Please be calm and happy for school, little one! Sometimes I add White Angelica too to give him good vibes.

I was able to sit with him for the first 3 days and there were times he threw a tantrum in school (cos he wanted something that was out of reach). So out came the Tranquil or Gentle Baby and a discreet rub at his head / chest again! If tantrum still continues, this mama rub Tranquil on herself to BREAAATHEEEE.
As a special treat, we rub a little Rose on him for a couple of days. The teachers love sniffing him (“Sol smells so good!”) and I guess they love carrying him too! He calms down very quickly when he is carried in school.

At the start of the third week, we noticed that he stopped crying while entering school and coming out when school is over. Yaaaaay!!

Faith is a member of OneDrop. She and her team supports oil users via their facebook group – Let’s Add Oil and their blog – School of YL. If you like Faith’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils, please feel free to get in touch with Faith or sign up directly here.


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