This post is contributed by One Drop member – Faith Teo
I’ve said earlier in my group that I will share about my story on BIG MONEY BIG MONEY with Abundance. This is a heart felt sharing and I hope this will touch you, inspire you to live the life that you want.
I was very happy working in an international bank previously. I love my work, I treasure the friendships in my team and my manager and his manager are SO AWESOME. I never wanted to leave this place.
However these all change when I gave birth to my firstborn, Juvia in Sep 2012. Those who are FB friends with me would have probably seen her photos around.
Juvia and Motherhood transformed me. I’m not one of those women who knew right from the start that they wanted to be mothers. I was unsure whether I could be a good mom to Ju. In fact it took me 10 years of marriage to decide whether to have a child.
I was so entranced with the little girl that God bestowed on Jon and I. To say I love her is an understatement. Juvia taught me what BIG LOVE really feels like. It is sitting for 3 hours straight nursing her despite feeling stiff and achey in my bones. It was going thru 5 months of very little sleep because Ju doesn’t sleep very well. And still doesn’t.
It was also considering seriously to give up my well paid job to be home for her DESPITE the fact that I’m the sole breadwinner. Time away from her was like living a life with half a heart. I missed her. I cried when Jon sent me photos from home.
But I couldn’t give up my job right? It’s irresponsible. We don’t have much savings. It’s a well paid job. All these thoughts ran through my head.
I deliberated for 5 months. I’ve been using the Young Living oils since I was pregnant, during labour and for the whole of Juvia’s life. The oils gave me what every mother hoped for. A healthy happy child. A beautiful natural birth. Food for my little nursling. I love the oils and in time, I shared about them with my friends and they too, love the oils.
I thought, why not try build a business out of it. And in July 2013, I told my boss of my intention to resign.
I thought I’ll scrimp and save meanwhile so I have more time to try this business thing. I set my goals with my awesome uplines, Jacq and Gennet. Executive by end July (monthly sales volume of usd4000). Silver by end Sep (monthly sales volume of usd10,000). The race was on.

I began to use these oils in the photo daily. Cedarwood for clarity and precious oxygen to my brain. I need ideas ideas ideas to grow grow grow! Believe on my crown (top of head) because I have to believe I can do it. Transformation. An oil that works on releasing old beliefs and install new ones that support me in my quest. Such a powerful oil. I kept praying for Silver Silver Silver because I thought that’ll be when I can secure the minimum income needed to feed my family.
At that time, the original Let’s Add Oil group was young and small. There’s around 10 of us. We are a group of mommies who have kids in Sep 2012 and I was teaching them daily on using the oils. Excitement was high. Friends helping each other out. Moms who want natural wellness for their kids.
I kept praying that I could do it and began to add Abundance to my daily used oils. I prayed for so many things. For money to provide for my family. Time was ticking. I have only 2 months till when I’ll be jobless. I prayed for wisdom. For flexibility to shift and adapt to whatever I need to do to grow my business.
Then the BIG THING happened. My boss called me.
“Please don’t resign. We have a better offer for you.”
I cannot go into details here on what exactly happened because I’m also sworn to confidentiality on this. But I will say that in the end, I was able to walk away from my job without any financial worries and went into YL full time as of 1 Oct 2013.
It has been such an amazing journey. The Let’s Add Oil organisation grew from strength to strength for the next 2 years and I am blessed to have dedicated, wonderful, loving, caring people in my team, sharing about the oils, building our own businesses. In Nov 2014, we officially became Platinum (monthly sales volume usd100,000) and since then, the LAO organisation is on track to hit a million dollars sales year to date.
So even though this is a Young Living product fb group, I wanted to spread the message. What do you want for your life? What is that inner quiet timid voice whispering to you?
Wherein lies your joy?
Use your oils. And DON’T GIVE UP!
Ask for support.
You are here for a purpose.
Take a baby step today and with all my blessings, have a wonderful amazing life. 

Faith is a member of OneDrop. She and her team supports oil users via their facebook group – Let’s Add Oil and their blog – School of YL. If you like Faith’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils, please feel free to get in touch with Faith or sign up directly here.