PART 8: Blends… still rocking it. We hope u guys are excited! Last few more post.

All the oils inside this blend are bacteria and fungus unfriendly!
The value of Purification is in purifying bacteria, mold and fungus. It is NOT specific for virus. Purification is really good for air-borne bacteria
Purification is tissue regenerating. Purification neutralizes poison; and if you put it on in immediately after the bite, it will neutralize it within seconds. Even if it is a few minutes or hours later, it will still work.
Purification should be diffused in your home every single day. The thing we take for granted is the radio-active isotopes in the air, the air-borne bacteria, the air-borne pollution, fungus spores, viral spores that are just out there in the air. The radio-active isotopes are compounds that are extremely damaging to the human immune system because they are free radicals.

Peppermint is calming, soothing, cooling it also acts as a driving force. If you add Peppermint to any oil and it will push it quicker the sub-dermal tissues or the dermal tissues. It is a great transport mechanism in the interstitial fluid. Peppermint is also powerful for the nervous system.
Wintergreen has an anti-inflammatory action.
Lemon is a great purifier. It also increases the vitamin P-like action that enhances micro-circulation in the bodies. Lemon oil is a blessing – combine with Lavender and Cypress to massage around the eyes; or combine with Frankincense around the eyes to improve eye sight.
Add Lemon to Raven, diffuse it or apply right on the feet. You can also add it to a syringe (diluted) and insert it into the rectum. This hits right to the lungs in 3 seconds. The best way to get to the lungs is through the bottom-end. Go through the sewer line first. The blood vessels in the sigmoid colon will pick up the oils in 3 seconds and it will be in the lungs.

Raven is more specific to virus. while RC is more specific for bacteria, mucous and fungus.
Marjoram is for muscle tissue.
Pine increases the oxygen exchange in the lower lobes of the lungs.
Cypress increases the circulation of the blood into the lungs.
Lavender to balance sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. If you do not support them, you get a stimulation of the bacteria – then your body will start to produce more mucous. You will get more mucous build up in your lungs and you will end up coughing more. That will put bad pressure on your heart, your blood pressure goes up and you will get more complications. It is therefore important to balance the nervous system so you do not over-produce mucous when the body is challenged.
Spruce is used for oxygen exchange. Like Pine, it helps in increasing the oxygen uptake.

Ylang Ylang balances the heart.
Geranium, Sandalwood and Blue Tansy is specific for the liver. It works by balancing, energizing and allowing emotional release for the liver.
This blend is more specific for emotional support then physical support. However, I have found some very interesting things with release. There are many times when we take on certain emotions in the womb. That which you carry do not just come from your birth life. So much of emotion can be created in the womb from things that you have no control over, and things that happen in life through events that you are not in control of. So often, things happen to the fetus in the womb that the parents could have prevented. Things that can happen in the womb just shock me. Because in the womb, if the father walk out, or the mother left the father during the conception, or there was abuse (verbal or physical) –trauma is created and comes into the life when the child is born into this physical existence. So when a child has a behavior problem, parents become abusive – spank the child or yell at the child – this does not work.
If you are stuck with an emotion that is not going away, take Release and put Frankincense with Release. Wear it over your head and liver.
Some other oils blends you can use with Release: Myrrh and Frankincense or Balsam Fir and Frankincense.
Gary: When our little son was born, I had a feeling to use Trauma Life at his delivery. What he released and what he went through at that time was most remarkable. Even though the delivery was so easy, the trauma went much deeper. I rubbed Frankincense and go to work on his little skull, reshaping it and remolding it and then I put Trauma life and do the same thing. He just sighed loudly – getting the oxygen back in the brain where it can start to function and start to grow and develop.
Release can be for physical and emotional. Gary has used Release on babies who weren’t able to pass their bowels. Sometimes when we have constipation, it is an emotional constipation! Holding on to emotions is “Mental Constipation” so apply on the temples and crown; can be very important for release. Apply Release over the spine or over the liver, it can be useful too.

Gary made this formula – Spruce, Black Pepper, Hyssop and Peppermint. Now Hyssop is very very high in anti-inflammatory action and when you combine it with Black Pepper and Peppermint, it is a magic formula. This formula is very specific for unidentifiable deep tissue pains. You can combine it with Balsam. Another combination is to put Valerian and Vetiver together with Relieve It.