This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
The 7th Heaven Essential Oil Collection was an old oil collection made up of 7 oil blends, chosen specifically by Gary Young. The purpose of this kit is to help give us an experience by encouraging a feeling of tranquility that allow us to be in the space of higher spiritual awareness. A space of higher spiritual awareness and attunement, where we may find peace, balance and understanding.
The 7 oil blends in this collection are:
helps balance one’s state of mind and emotions through self-adjustment by allowing a gentle change toward renewal and balance, enabling one to make a transition, and reach one’s highest potential. This fragrant combination of is comprised of Dream Catcher, Forgiveness, Harmony, Joy, and Present Time.
Dream Catcher
an exotic formula containing sandalwood, blue tansy, juniper, and other essential oils that enhances dreams and visualization, promoting greater potential to realize your dreams and stay on your path. It may also protect from the bombardment of negative energy. Use before retiring for a beautiful night’s rest.
helps collect our emotional and spiritual thoughts, helping us focus on achieving our highest potential. The oils of northern lights black spruce, vetiver, frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, cinnamon, rose, geranium, and ylang ylang may help us channel through chaotic energy and get to the heart of the matter; improving determination and effort.
helps us heal ourselves through the seeking and giving of forgiveness. Its use offers a chance for deeper spiritual awareness, and the opportunity to begin healing and find peace. It is powerful when used with Forgiveness and Gathering.
has been found to be effective for enhancing meditation, prayer, and inner awareness. The combined oils of cedarwood, spruce, sandalwood, frankincense, myrtle, vetiver, geranium, ylang ylang, bergamot and coriander have been used by Eastern and North American native peoples to increase spirituality.
Sacred Mountain
brings about a feeling of protection, strength, and security. The oils in this blend—spruce, ylang ylang, fir, and cedarwood— represent the ancient Eastern philosophies, which emphasize finding sacredness within one’s self.
White Angelica
combines oils which were used during ancient times to increase the aura around the body, bringing a sense of strength and protection. Its frequency protects against the bombardment of negative energy.
How to use (suggested way):
- Sacred Mountain in the diffuser
- Inspiration on the crown
- Gathering on the face or temple
- Awaken on the center of the forehead
- Humility on temple or behind the ears
- White Angelica on palm and sweep down from top of head, to neck, shoulders then down your chest and go all the way to your feet
- Dream Catcher on your pillow
The above is just one of the way to use the oils. Explore and find the combination that best works for you to feel the benefits. Like The Feelings Kit, I will suggest you take the time to use each oil slowly, enjoying the unique aroma of each blend so beautifully created.
The Egyptian people are very in tune with their needs when they oil. They believe that the more fragrance they are, the closer they are with their gods. The Egyptians, including the kings – pharaohs and queens as well, will oil themselves several times a day. Taking example from them, lets put the oils on with the concept in mind that we are anointing ourselves with the sacred oils that had been created for us, knowing that the oils are here to benefit us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Note: Although the 7th Heaven Collection had been discontinued, we are still able to purchase the individual oils from Young Living US and Singapore.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
Aroma Routine is an app developed by Young Living Japan office for you to post and share your daily oil routine uses…it is free but and available currently only on IOS. You may check it out here. (Those on Android…like me…do not despair, it is projected to be available for Android users in August 2018).
It is an app developed with sharing in mind. You may update your own aroma routine and share your profile or simply store it privately for your own viewing but access it to show/share with your team and friends. Have a fun and interactive session exchanging aroma routine ideas. Better yet, you may browse the aroma routine of our famous Young Living celebrities like Lindsey Moreno or our awesome (and cute) French Lavender Farm Manager – Nicolas Landel. Nicolas is very popular in Japan…according to the country manager…hehehe…
Ok! So the highlight of this blog post is finally here…introducing the…*drumroll*… BRAINWAVE SCANNER!
I was very excited to see the Brainwave Scanner in the YL store at Young Living APAC Convention last weekend. I’ve been following Dr Olivier Wenker on Facebook and understand that he had been developing this with Young Living Japan team. Using NeuroSky mindwave mobile headset to connect to the Brainwave Scanner (an in-app purchase in the Aroma Routine app) and you will be able to get reading from your brain reaction to the oils.
Reactions to the aromas are sorted into the following eight categories in the Aroma Scan:
- Clarity – Aroma helps to clear and unclutter mind.
- Concentration – Aroma increases ability to focus and concentrate.
- Energy – Aroma enhances energy level and motivates.
- Relaxation – Aroma relaxes and releases tension.
- Refreshing – Aroma refreshes and allows you to take a break from all thats troubling you.
- Sleepiness – Aroma helps to relaxes and sleep.
- Familiarity – Familiar scent and brain does not response to it.
- Low Reaction – Aroma does nothing and brain does not like it.
A numeric value will be recorded according to the above eight categories and the higher the value means the more intense is the reaction.
Brain age allows you to measure your brain age. A higher activity brainwave recording will mean you have a younger brain age.
The scan results will help you to determine what scents to use and bring more fun into your aroma life. I bought a scan and I can’t wait to experiment with it! You can get the scanner from Amazon here.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here.
I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop founder – Kai Tan.
The first ever Young Living APAC Convention completed in Kuala Lumpur over the weekend of February 23 to 25th with some greatly-welcomed and highly anticipated product launches. Some of these items include products previously launched in the USA market and not yet available in our regions. And the rest were brand new never-seen-before products that are being made available first in the Asia Pacific Region. Here’s a quick look at these exciting products that will be available for order in the various APAC markets over the course of March to April.
Specifically, Singapore is launching items 1-5 from 12 March 2018 onwards.

1. Savvy Minerals
This gorgeous chemical-free range of cosmetics stole the show at the Internatonal Grand Convention in 2017. Built on Young Living’s advocacy for a sustainable green and clean lifestyle for all, this bold product launch fills a gap sorely unmet for a long time for discerning women who want confident solutions without compromise in ingredients. Read these blog posts to learn about the Savvy Minerals.
2. Mirah Luminous Cleansing Oil
Formulated with essential oils like Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine and put carrier oils like jojoba and argan, this facial cleanser removes pore-clogging impurities without stripping away the natural oils our skin needs. This gem is super gentle on skin but tough on make-up, dirt and oils that clog. I love how easily the formula can cleanse in ONE round, how it washes off easily with water and how it leaves the skin nicely moisturised! This rockstar will very quickly top as one of the favorites in your YL cleansing regime.
3. Mirah Lustrous Hair Oil
This is a luxurious, multi-tasking hair treatment formulated to help keep your locks soft and shiny, no matter your hair type. Infused with Abyssinian, Monoi, Camellia and Argan oils; PLUS Ylang Ylang and Rose essential oil, this hair treatment is ideal for conditioning, styling and finishing.
Say goodbye to flyaways, tangles, frizzy damaged hair. You get to nourish your hair health back to its glory with this formula that is vegan friendly and contain no of the harsh paragons, sulphites, phthalates and synthetic petrochemicals.
4. AromaSpinner
Here’s a nice twist to the popular fidget spinner! The AromaSpinner has 3 custom-designed buttons that allow you to add essential oils to. This fun, on-the-go way to diffuse essential oils offer parents and kids hours of fun and focus simultaneously,
5. Gentle Mist Personal Diffuser
Portable, compact and battery-operated, this travel-friendly diffuser allows you to diffuse your favourite essential oils on-the-go in planes, cars or gym. Such a darling to have to keep your skin and space fresh and invigorated!
6. Kunzea Essential Oil (Single)
Native to Tasmania Australia, the Kunzea oil is distilled from the leaves and green branchlets. Kunzea was used for centuries by native cultures and is referred to as the “White Cloud”. Comparable to Tea Tree oil, Kunzea shares similar properties but offers a more pleasant aroma and milder feel when applied topically. The active components of the oil trigger the body’s own healing process to relax muscles and ease mild discomforts from areas of inflammation. The aroma of Kunzea supports relieve of nervous tension, stress and mild anxiety.
Currently an APAC exclusive, Kunzea will only be next available at the Young Living International Convention in June 2018
If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at kaye@onedrop.sg or sign up here to buy the products.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Faith Teo
Ah when Mdm Ranna asked me to write an article on self care for moms, I must admit, I chuckled.
Me a mom who immediately associate GUILT with PLEASURE (self care). #imgettingbetter
Who gets antsy when she didn’t get stuff checked off her long long to-do list.
Who is definitely not the mom who is all put together, ZEN like, who can intone to you from Mt Enlightenment HOW TO DO SELF CARE.
But then again:
- I’m stay at home parents with my ever loving hubs Jon
- We have 2 young feisty active kids, who are in 2 different school times, 3 hours each. So they are with us except 30 mins daily where their school times mercifully overlap.
- We chose not to have a live in domestic help or car.
- We also juggle a multi million dollar Young Living business, over 90% in residual income, which we are exceedingly grateful for, in helping us to be stay at home parents for our kids.
So ok lah, I think I can send some light on this #momlife and self care thing. 😉
Here’s 5 tips I have for you. All oils mentioned – I like to apply over my heart and on my forehead and inhale the rest deeply from my palms:
1. Get clear on why self care is important to you.
I mean honestly, we can preach the Heavens to you but if you don’t see why you need it or you feel that your family CANNOT do without you, then well… NOTHING happens. So get clear get clear.
Oils to use: Clarity, 3 Wise Men, Release, Sacred Mountain.
2. Ask for help.
I was in the same never-ending loop of business-family-business-family until one day I bottomed out my well of giving. I literally felt that I couldn’t take another step further and I was shutting down. It is only then, then I asked my hubs Jon, “Please help me.”
I think we women are magnificent superwomen. We literally give ALL OUT (because oh dear biology wires us that way) then we get frustrated, resentful, angry on why no one helps us. Especially the damn husband / mother / mother in law. (Hahah, sorry Jon!)
Thing is we women come with a couple of flaws. Firstly we think that people can read our minds on what we need and render help accordingly. Or we say something vague once or twice, hoping peeps take the hint. Then SURPRISE! It didn’t happen.
Secondly I think women have a hard time asking for help. We like to soldier on until something gives out, we flat out, then ok… then we CONSIDER asking for help.
ASK. And ask for it with a bright loud voice. You need it. Dang you are worth it.
Oils to use: Humility, Transformation, Harmony, Hyssop
3. Perfectionism isn’t so perfect for life after all.
Repeat after me… “I will let the house be messy today so I can do my favourite thing. I can go have a cup of tea / read my favourite manga / eat that last piece of chocolate cake / add pleasure here.” No one dies from messes at home. And your sanity is worth any messes. Or dirty laundry piling up.
Pssst… I have this long black sofa in my living room and my clean laundry has been setting up camp there. To prevent it from growing into Mt Clean Underwear, we take clothes from it to wear after baths instead of from the wardrobe. Yup, my sofa is my wardrobe sans doors. Best thing, you can lie on it too!
(If you are judging me now for my terrible laundry habits, ah… tsk tsk that perfectionism thing is kicking in for you. :P)
Oils to use: Surrender, Family, Fun, Oola Balance
4. What’s your pleasures?
Ok time to let your hair down! What would you love to do? Go go go!
Ok time to let your hair down! What would you love to do? Go go go!
Tip 1: Usually it’s the stuff that you feel a sense of #momguilt, just thinking about it.
Tip 2: If you are feeling that you couldn’t do this self care shebang because you don’t have time or only have xx minutes, then would you be open to be present for your self care in that period of time? Being intentional EXPANDS our experiences.
Oils to use: Present Time, Joy, Orange, Valor, Inspiration
C’mon, you won’t get used to this self care thing unless you intentionally practise. Schedule time in your calendar, ask for help in a bright voice, kick that perfectionism to the curb.
Above all, we are more than just moms. 😃 We have our passions, our interests, our quirks, stuff that makes life worth living! WHOLE LIFE LIVING. SUCCULENT LIVING.
Isn’t that worth it? Plus! You get to show your kids how MOM does it. And they learn how to do that for themselves too when its their turn to be parents.
You got my permission. 😉
Now go on, claim THAT LIFE for yourself!
Oils to use: Joy, Lady Sclareol, Live with Passion, Light The Fire
Faith is a member of OneDrop. She and her team supports oil users via their facebook group – Let’s Add Oil and their blog – School of YL. If you like Faith’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils, please feel free to get in touch with Faith or sign up directly here.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
Thieves was a signature oil blend made by Gary Young in about 1990 – 1991. It was created as a result after his many hours spent in London library researching about oils and oil history. Gary found 17 different versions of the story of ‘Thieves’ during the plague of the 1700’s and also Thieves was mentioned in another plague in the! There are versions with just 4 thieves, some with 40 thieves…there are just so many stories!
Origins of Thieves
After going through all the versions and records, Gary summarizes what he gathered and here is the story that he concluded:
- The thieves could have been merchants and spice traders, that explains why they knew about the power of the oils.
- Then when the plague hit, the kings of the various countries sent out a mandate closing down international commerce and shipping, hence those merchants and spice traders couldn’t engage in their business and were going broke.
- And so they decided to loot the dead bodies, take their things and set up a pawn shop trade…that’s how pawn shops evolved too!
- Then the king issued the proclamation to have the thieves captured, but the constables were afraid to touch them because they had been touching the dead bodies of the plague victims and they didn’t want the plague.
- After executing a few constables, the authorities finally caught the 4 thieves.
- The king gave them an opportunity to confess the secret of their immunity. Confess and be hung by the neck, or and if they didn’t give up their secret, they would be burned at the stake!
- They chose to hanging and have to give up their secret. Which was then published and plastered all over the town.
Oils Used in the Stories
Gary concluded that Oregano, Cinnamon and Clove are definitely in as they were oils that were traded during that time. Most of the 17 stories listed Clove and Cinnamon, so taking that into consideration, Gary went through the oils and studied their chemistry structure to determine what goes into the blend of ‘Thieves’. Taking in mind that ‘Thieves’ has to be an oil blend that is extremely powerful in dissolving excess mucous in the body and suppressing the acid production in the body.
And finally, these are the chosen oils for Young Living’s ‘Thieves’ blend:
- Clove was chosen because of the eugenol in the oil.
- Rosemary (this is Rosemary Officinalis), very powerful oil.
- Lemon oil was very plentiful because it was pressed and it worked then.
- Cinnamon, Lemon, Rosemary and Clove are 4 of the oils mentioned in various versions out of the 17 different stories.
- Cinnamon bark has cineol and eugenol in the oils.
- Eucalyptus Radiata. Do note that Eucalyptus Radiata wasn’t used in the formula in the 1700s simply because it wasn’t available back then. But Gary personally had very good experience with this oil and had chosen to include it in the blend.
Power of Diffusing
Diffusing will protect your home from the chemical environment. Diffuse Thieves especially, to fight bacterial organisms in your home. Just let the diffuser run for a couple of hours a day.
More Tips from Gary:
- In a 2-ounce glass, mix vinegar + a few drops of Thieves Vitality and take it every morning. This will reset the pH of the stomach and set the digesting of excess acid in the body.
- Gary said that he really like to see homes with overhead fans because this really moves the oil through the home and rooms when you diffuse.
- Mix Thieves with Spruce or Pine to empower the oil. You can empower your blends by adding another single oil!
I hope you had benefited from the summarized points above. For more powerful details and the full transcript, please download from Learning Vault.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.