This post is contributed by One Drop member – Cherie Tseng.
Anyone who has traveled to a different time zone would have experienced the bane of all travellers: Jet Lag. For a long time, jet lag was put down to a “messed up state of mind” but studies have now shown that it results from an imbalance in our body’s circadian rhythm, our natural biological sleep clock that are impacted by the natural rise and fall of body temperature, plasma, hormonal levels and other bio-markers. In addition, it is further impacted by our exposure to sunlight and help determine when we sleep and wake.
As we travel across time zones, our circadian rhythm cannot keep up with rate of time change. In fourteen hours, a plane could take us to a country over eight hours behind your home country. Our circadian rhythm usually takes several days to adjust so most of us find that our sleep cycle gets all messed up with our body wanting to sleep because it is night in our home country despite it being in the middle of the afternoon where you may have travelled to.
In broad-strokes, we have 14 meridians, energetic pathways that run, literally like clockwork if all things are balanced. The primary two are known as the Central and Governing Meridian and are also known as centreline meridians and do not exist on the clock. The meridian clock comprises the other 12 meridians that corresponding to various organs in the body. One’s Qi moves through the 12 Meridians and do so in a precise manner, flowing one into the other — in its ideal state, at a “healthy” time for each. A full cycle takes 24 hours.

If we consider the flow from the break of day at two hour intervals, we begin with the Large Intestine at 5am, Stomach Meridian, Spleen Meridian then Heart Meridian that takes us through noon to 1pm. The flow moves to the Small Intestine Meridian at 1pm, Bladder Meridian at 3pm and the Kidney Meridian takes us to Sundown, running 5-7pm. Then we move to the Pericardium Meridian at 7pm, Triple Warmer Meridian which takes us from 9pm- 11pm and the Gall Bladder Meridian closes out at night, ending at 1am. The Liver Meridian takes center-stage at from 1-3am, and then the Lung Meridian takes us to dawn, 3am- 5am.
Jet lag is largely a modern issue and Traditional Chinese Medicine never included a module for the treatment for it. The application of acupressure and meridian studies to alleviate jet lag is the work of modern day practitioners of the meridian clock. Attributed to Dr. Amaro from the USA, who conducted studies on travellers over 12 years using specific acupressure points across the meridian clock with an impressive 96% success rate where travellers felt well adjusted at destination. For his placebo, he allotted false meridian points and those in the control group suffered jet lag. He called this the Horary cycle.

Diagram extracted from Dr. Amaro’s paper
Dr. Amaro’s overview paper can be found here:
The Horary cycle has, at the core of its ethos, that each meridian has a main acupressure point that goes through a two-hour peak activation in a given 24 hour timeframe. The theory states that the stimulation of the meridian that corresponds with destination time will help the body clock reset accordingly. To put it simply, you are tuning your body clock to the time of your final destination by stimulating the corresponding meridian of the destination time.
For example, flying from Singapore to London (-8hrs behind), you would stimulate the meridian vis-à-vis the main acupressure point of the meridian 8hrs behind the current time. If you flight arrives leaving Singapore arrives London at 4pm, you would stimulate the bladder meridian that peaks between 3-5pm.
You should hold the acupressure point for about two minutes ON EACH SIDE and it is also recommended that you reset your watch to the time of your destination before take off. Where possible, repeat this every 2-3 hours and for 2-3 hours upon arrival. You should do the same on your return leg to tune back.
The following diagram (credit Ms. Mary Golob) collates the meridian and time with the corresponding acupressure point with descriptions to locations that lends further clarity to travellers who want to beat that dreaded jet lag!

While the acupressure points are often good enough, you can add essential oils for a boost: Cedarwood, Lavender, Geranium, Bergamot and Roman Chamomile are fabulous addition to any of the Horary protocols you see here. An easy way is to make a take-along jet leg blend of Cedarwood + Lavender + V6 in a roller bottle. When you land, a Grapefruit + Bergamot face spritz is a fabulous way to get your system to tune up. Also, it smells glorious.
If you like Cherie’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please contact Cherie here. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here to join Cherie and her team.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Cherie Tseng.
The modern science and the western medicine world, especially in Asia, have for a few decades now, accepted two of the mainstays of Traditional Chinese Medicine — acupuncture and acupressure. From the Latin word, “acus” which means needle, acupuncture and acupressure are concerned with either applying a special needle to acupoints in the former, or pressure to acupoints in the latter. These acupoints can be found all over the body and when understood altogether in a cohesive network or byways that are connected by what is known as Meridians.

Diagram from www.UpliftConnect.com
Simply understood, meridians are energy pathways through which one’s life force, or Qi, flows. There are 12+2 meridians in the human system. The primary centreline 2 are known as the Central and Governing Meridian, with the other 12 primary meridians corresponding to various organs in the body. The Qi that moves through the 12 Meridians do so in a precise manner, flowing one into the other — in its ideal state, at a “healthy” time for each.
If we consider the flow from the break of day at two hour intervals, we begin with the Large Intestine at 5am, Stomach Meridian, Spleen Meridian then Heart Meridian that takes us through noon to 1pm. The flow moves to the Small Intestine Meridian at 1pm, Bladder Meridian at 3pm and the Kidney Meridian takes us to Sundown, running 5-7pm. Then we move to the Pericardium Meridian at 7pm, Triple Warmer Meridian which takes us from 9pm- 11pm and the Gall Bladder Meridian closes out at night, ending at 1am. The Liver Meridian takes centerstage at from 1-3am, and then the Lung Meridian takes us to dawn, 3am- 5am. From beginning to end, the cycle takes a full 24 hours.

Someone once said that “sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” In her 2016 best seller, The Sleep Revolution, Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington shared that she collapsed, breaking a cheekbone in the process, from chronic sleep debt. Her body keeled over from exhaustion from her habit of sleeping only three to four hours a night. In another report published by the Public Health Education in England, showed that when we sleep fewer than six hours a night we have a way higher mortality than another person who sleeps even just one extra hour a night.
People in Singapore rank right up there in the “Who sleeps the least” stakes, taking second place in a 2018 survey by Wakefield Research that looks at which country sleeps the least, behind the British. The incident of sleep disorders in Singapore is very high in our island nation affecting 3 out of 10 people here.
For the sleep issue afflicted, the Meridian Clock might hold the key to a better night’s sleep. In ethos of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body, mind and emotions are inexplicably joined with a disharmony in one causing disruption in the other. For example, if you tend to wake up in the wee hours of the night at 3am, when energy routes through the Liver meridian, it could be due to an unhealthy diet, too much alcohol consumption, unresolved anger or stress.
The following is a general guide: match the timing of your sleep issues with what would be causing it and its related solution.
- Triple Burner Meridian (9pm-11pm) — Related to the endocrine and lymphatic system that controls metabolism, sleep issues at this time of night could be managed by going to bed earlier and creating a calming night routine. In particular, avoid blue light right before bedtime; that means, keep that smart phone away!
- Gall Bladder Meridian (11pm- 1am) — The gall bladder stores and excretes bile to facilitate proper digestion and is emotionally linked to decision-making; both indecision and impulse. Try avoiding overly rich and oily food, eating a smaller, cleaner dinner and avoid snacking before bed.
- Liver Meridian (1am- 3am) — The liver is in charge of detoxifying our system and helping us process emotions each night. From a TCM perspective, sleep disruption at this time could be linked to one’s liver being overloaded that can manifest through explosive outbursts, irritability and general “out-of-sortness.” To bring the boyd back to balance, consider taking alcohol in moderation well before bedtime, keeping a stricter eye on caffeine intake. From an emotional standpoint, you’d need to get a handle on your anger and frustration.
- Lung Meridian (3am- 5am) — Linked to sadness, the lungs govern the respiratory and immune system and energy imbalances in the lung meridian can manifest in fatigue, breath issues and skin outbreaks. To alleviate sleep issues during this period, consider breath work, meditation or anything that can bring calmness to your respiratory system. Another consideration is to take up a more introspective track like journaling.
- Large Intestine (5am-7am) — If you tend to wake early it could be broadly related to the digestive system and linked to the emotions of anxiety and worry. To alleviate sleep issues that crop up at this time, maybe from constant waking up before the alarm goes off, you can consider understanding your anxiety triggers paying attention to let go of what is not needed. One way is to consider decluttering your physical, emotional space. Konmarie and spark joy and all that, heh? 🙂
For added benefit, consider incorporating the use of suitable essential oils. Sleep-cycle oils include Valerian, Roman chamomile, Lavender, Lemon Myrtle, Ylang ylang, Tangerine and Orange. Also, Idaho blue sprue and Blue Tansy are soft options too. Essential oil blends to consider, and these are broad spectrum ones, include Peace and Calming and Harmony and anything from the Freedom kit (if you can even get your hands on one!)
If you like Cherie’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please contact Cherie here. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here to join Cherie and her team.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
The following are points extracted from Gary’s training notes on emotional oils found in Training Tape #17 and 66 – 69.
First of all, don’t let emotions accumulate.
Gary shared one thing that he felt very powerful was ,”don’t let it accumulate.” We all have a habit of letting our emotions accumulate and did not think much of it. However, he encourages us to process our emotions everyday and then find a quiet time once a week to work it out. Like for example, hit the gym on a Wednesday, put the oils on and do your work out.
When we are dealing with emotions and emotional problems, we always start with Valor.Valor is so extremely important because this blend was formulated to balance energies, instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem. It helps the body self-correct its balance and alignment.
Harmony help to set the frequency, to harmonize the energy centers, the chakras, the meridians – whatever you are accustomed to referring to those locations in your body. It helps to open up the energy blocks in your body to get the energy flowing properly through it, and it also sets a beautiful tone which your body really loves and responds to. Harmony isfantastic. All of your energy centers through your body must be balanced for you to feel this and have this energy go through your body. Because if you are not in harmony, you are not in present time. If you haven’t forgiven, you are not in present time…you’re not balanced. If you do not have joy in your heart, then you have anger in your heart. There are emotions that come and go, sometimes daily. And there are emotions that can pull you out of that space of harmony and yet never leave. But it is perfectly natural to be upset. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Just don’t let them emotion such as anger stay too long and you forget to get back in harmony.
“you live in the now, you live in the moment. You dream in the now, you dream in the moment.You live and create life with passion.” You feel the joy surge through your blood vessels until you feel like they are going to burst. It doesn’t matter whether the world is sitting on your shoulder…be excited!
Rub Present Time on the thalamus and lay there for 10 minutes. And if it brings up a negative memory, then just bless it, and release it. Let it go and replace it with a good thought, a positive thought. Then, the next day or the next time, you can take another step and go with another oil. You may just do Valor and decide to go, “Hey, I’m going to skip Harmony because I feel pretty good. I am going to go to Present Time and see what happens.
Go ahead and pick and choose. But before you pick and choose, go inside and say, “What do I feel like I really need? Do I know who I am? Am I proud of what I am? Am I motivated about what I am doing in life? Am I angry? Do I need to deal with forgiveness? Do I need more hope in my life?”
Just role-play that in your mind and see which one of the oil blends grabs you, and what memories or emotions that oil brings you.
Grab Forgiveness and just rub it on the face, and rub it around the tummy button…because maybe a loved one said something that made you upset. And you got angry with the loved one and you hollered back or made a derogatory comment or something. Folks, use these oils to empower your relationship with your loved ones.Use them to help you forgive and reestablish your peace and relationship.
If you come home from workand you are all wrapped up with frustration, and you have been down to a trade show with your booth and you haven’t sponsored anybody–and you come home, and you are just feeling, “Arrg..hh…this isn’t working for me!” …then lay down and put a little Release on. Let go of that frustration.
Now, when you are willing to reconnect with your body and go back to your childhood, put a couple of drops of Inner Child on your thumb and just suck it!
When they would start connecting with their inner child they would turn over and go into the fetal position, start crying, and the thumb would go in the mouth.And that is exactly why I made Inner Child–for that very reason, and it worked every time.
You can also just rub that blend under the nose when they go into that fetal position, because the moment a person is in an emotional release and they turn and go into that fetal position, they are trying to get back into that connection, so you can just put the Inner Child right there. The fragrance of the Orange oil just takes them right back and makes that connection. It is really special.
Dream Catcher stimulates the mind to dream and it helps you to anchor onto those dreams.
Gary believed the biggest part about dreaming is following your dream all the way through to fruition. Onceyou have burst the dream, it may not materialize in the exactness, but if you stay with it you will get some form of it into completion, and generally it will turn out better than the original dream, so that is really important.
Grounding is very important for us in many aspects.(1) We need Grounding to anchor us when we are going through a physical healing, (2) and we need it when we are going through emotional trauma and distress. (3) We need it when we are going into an emotional release tokeep us from getting into the exaggerated feelings where we wind up fracturing and destroying the value we could have received from it.So that is very important.
When there is any type of depression or discouragement, when you are feeling fractured, when you are feeling discouraged, when you are feeling loss, and you are feeling there is just no place to turn, no place to go, then use Hope.
Protect Yourself with White Angelica
Whenever you finish an emotional experience in your life – whether it is lying on your bed in the bedroom and putting a couple of oils on and going into a quiet space and discharging some of that emotion and feeling–when you are clear and you are through and back into what we call the “real world,” then take White Angelica and rub it on the chest and the shoulders and the back of the neck. This just helps to seal and protect the etheric field from outside bombardment coming in and attacking you.
Gary like to wear White Angelica as an aftershave.
Acceptance…we have to accept things in order to grow.
So, when you start connecting and putting things together there are some beautiful things when you see what is happening and use these blends. Neroli is in there for balance and for the beautiful fragrance that it brings. It’s a beautiful blend for complexion. Ladies can use this oil as an underarm deodorant, or cologne, or perfume. It’s totally safe and non-irritating, a beautiful blend.Again, diffuse that.
As a spiritual oil for spiritual application, put Acceptance over the liver if you have a lot of pent up emotion.If you are caught up in fear then put it around the umbilical area on the tummy.If you are just stuck, and you can’t seem to move forward, take Acceptance and rub it on occipital lobes in a clockwise motion to stimulate the oxygen uptake of the brain so you can overcome the holding pattern that you have gone into and be ready to move over.
Many of these oils are in that space and Acceptance that when you feel stuck and you can’t accept that your goodness, you can’t accept your worth, you can’t accept your change…then go with Acceptance.
This was one of our convention blend. The theme then was “creating something to believe in”. It contains Idaho Balsam, Rose-wood, and Frankincense. It is so beautiful.
So many people have trouble simply in believing…”I’m such a skeptic.” You hear people say that about themselves all the time.
Use Believe to establish your belieft system in the DNA…Believe really works…in the telomeres of the DNA strands in transmitting that information to the MRNA, the memory recall center. Believe is really powerful there. If you are believing that you cannot go out and build a business, if you are believing you cannot sponsor somebody cold on the street, then that will be your outcome.
If you want to change that then you can start putting some oil blends together like Acceptance, Release, Motivation…until you can start working toward that space of “I believe I can do this.”
Are You Magnifying Your Purpose?
This beautiful blend is made up of. Sandalwood for the brain, Nutmeg for the adrenal glands, Rosewood for balance, Cinnamon bark for the adrenal glands, Ginger for the stomach, and Sage for the solar plexus.
When you Magnify Your Purpose, you’ve got to amplify your energy from the core chakra out–and this is when you are going to see great and rewarding things. This is another blend you want to carry with you in addition to Live with Passion. Magnify Your Passion; let people know the you’re passionate!
Ending note:
When you are on the emotional oils and you start to experience a release of an emotion. Stop there for a while and allow that layer to come off. Give yourself sufficient time to deal with it.
and if you aren’t sure where to put an oil…Apply Oils on the Naval
Why? Because the umbilical is what feeds you. This is what nourished you while you were in the womb…that connection point goes to every cell in the human body. So, when in doubt, just go to the umbilical cord.And why do they call it “belly button?” Because you need to unbutton it and let the good come in.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Kaye Ng.
As an oiler, you would probably know by now that traveling with your essential oils is a MUST HAVE. You can’t live without your oils, much worse being caught in a situation overseas WITHOUT them – that’s almost like committing suicide!
So before I go into some of my own MUST HAVE oils. Lets go through the basics:
• How can I pack my oils?
Personally for me, I always have about 5-10 bottles of oils with me on the plane, and another 10-20 bottles in the luggage. I pack them normally in an oil pouch or bag and try to ensure that the caps are tightened well. Generally they don’t leak… but sometimes they do and you will just end up with an oil bag with a nice oily scent. heh.
• How many oils can I travel with?
You can check in as many oils you want. However, you should only carry a total of 1L worth of liquids in your hand carry – that is about 66 bottles of 15ml oils. 1L is ALOT to carry honestly. I know many people who carry alot more oils than me, but hey… we girls gotta keep some of that weight for shopping right?
• What other oil related items are a must have?
This is totally up to you but here are some other items that I need to have when I travel.
1. Empty Capsules – This is super impt for me coz I like to take some of my oils internally so the capsules are a must for those occasions
2. Diffuser – A small portable diffuser is always handy when you are in a hotel room esp if you are traveling with kids, or if you are not staying at some up market accommodations – sometimes u need to diffuse to clear the air or energy of the place (if you get wat I mean… 👻 haha)
3. V6 – Carrier oil!!! Esp if you are travelling with young kids and need to dilute your oils, then a carrier oil is a MUST. Of course I dont bring the entire V6 bottle out – transfer it out into a small bottle and bring it along! It will help you use your oils easily!
Ok so, lets go through very quickly some of my must have oils:
• Thieves – DUH. This is for immunity right? A must have at the sign of the first sniffle or scratchy throat. I love that this one now comes in a roller form, so bring the roll-on instead if you have for easy application.
• Purification – For all those itchy bites or smelly rooms. Basically a must have if you are going anywhere that might have you come into contact with anything from a fly to a mossie.
• Peppermint – Very helpful when you are hot and bothered with the weather. To prevent you from giving such a face > 🤢 when you are on the plane or boat. When your head feels like its about to explode and when the taxi smells funky. Yup, can’t live without this one.
• Tranquil – Believe it or not, I sometimes find it hard to fall asleep in a new environment. Tranquil helps me settle into sleep faster and calms me down, so I always bring this with me on my travels too!
• Palo Santo – YUP.. hahah I am very wary of weird ass hotel rooms. Palo Santo is my must have to chase away woo woo things. haha. Like I said, this is MY must have list, for you brave souls out there, you can give this a miss I guess.
• Lavender – The swiss army knife of oils. While overseas, I can literally get bug-eyed when the flowers start blooming, Lavender helps me ensure that my eyes don’t water and it doesn’t feel like its about to pop out of its socket. This is also a great oil just in case you get into any small mishaps and red juice starts to flow out of u. heh. (I hope you guys are enjoying my creative writing so that I can stay as complaint as possible)
• Breathe Again – Ive always been born with a sensitive nose. Many things can send it off into an array of sneezes and the water tap can run for no reason at all. I love this roll-on specifically because its sooo convenient to use and bring around and to roll around my sinus cavities to give it some relief. Its one of my must haves on the plan esp to help with blockages.
• Deep Relief – When you start walking like an old woman after the 2nd day of visiting all the sights while being a camel carrying the family’s survival kit around, this oil will instantly become your savior. It is also great for that pounding drum in your head. 😉
• Digize – Nothing is worse than going on a holiday and then having to find a toilet at every turn. DIGIZE TO THE RESCUE. I always take my capsules with these. Don’t try those street side food if you don’t have Digize with you!
• White Angelica – I can’t live without this oil. Traveling with kiddo (and sometimes the husband too) can really drive me up the wall at times. So some extra protection to keep negative vibes away from me and to help me remain calm is really impt to me. I don't wanna ruin my own holiday by being grumpy and frazzled. So yes, this oils every morning or whenever needed to help me stay ZEN 😇 throughout the trip.
Thats just some of my must have oils! I hope it gives you a little insight on what oils to bring for your trip!
Remember, don't travel without your oils – you need them with you all the time!
If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at kaye@onedrop.sg or sign up here to buy the products.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
Mother’s Day just around the corner and I’ve been wondering what will be a great gift to give our dear mothers.
Sure, you can just head over to Young Living and do your ER and grab a ART Skincare Series, the Wolfberry Eye Cream, or a set of Savvy Minerals Make Up for your mom.
But why not up the fun factor by hosting a class for your mom and her friends and their daughters in the name of Mother’s Day? A great opportunity to share about the oils too!
So here are some of my ideas for DIY:
1) DIY Scar-B-Gone Blend
This blend is good for old scars, new scar, acne scar…apply 3-4 times a day.
Ingredients and directions:
- In a 30ml bottle:
- Helichrysum x 10 drops
- Lavender x 6 drops
- Lemongrass x 8 drops
- Patchouli x 4 drops
- Myrrh x 5 drops
- Top up with V6
2) Skin Firming Blends
Sagging skin is a common problem for many people as they get older. It occurs as the skin loses its elasticity over time. Neck, under arm, tummy, thigh…these are the areas we want to support.
So here are 2 blends to apply on the skin to help firm up the skin.
Use the morning blend before dressing in the morning and the evening blend before bed at night.
Strength training with weights can also help tightened sagging skin.
Ingredients and directions:
- Tangerine x 3 drops
- Cypress x 3 drops
- Top up with Cellite Magic Oil in a 15ml dropper bottle.
- Patchouli x 8 drops
- Cypress x 5 drops
- Geranium x 5 drops
- Sandalwood x 1 drop
Top up with Cel-lite Magic Oil in a 15ml dropper bottle.
Morning blend to breakdown the fatty tissues and Evening blend to rejuvenate and nourish.
3) Wrinkle Reducing Blend
Although wrinkles are a natural part of aging, sun exposure is the major cause. Exposure to heat, wind and dust, as well as smoking, may also contribute to wrinkling.
- Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense x 6 drops
- Sandalwood x 5 drops
- Geranium x 4 drops
- Lavender x 3 drops
- Mix the oils to Kidscent lotion in a 25ml jar.
4) DIY YL Revitalizing Foot Scrub – Peppermint Essential Oil & Honey
Give your mom a revitalising foot scrub with peppermint essential oil and honey after this DIY. Excellent solution for removing dead skin cells and pampering your dear mom’s feet.
- 2 Tablespoons of Organic Sugar
- 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
- 2 Tablespoons of Honey
- 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice
- 3 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil
- In a bowl mix 2 Tablespoons of organic sugar, 1 Tablespoon of olive oil, 2 Tablespoons of honey, 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice, and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil together
- Scrub mixture onto feet
- Wrap fee with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes
- After 5 minutes remove towel and wipe off scrub.
5) Grapefruit Salt Scrub
This DIY salt scrub gently exfoliate and cleanse your Mom’s skin.
Full recipe:
- 1/2 Cup Himalayan Rock Salt
- 1/2 Cup Dead Sea Salt
- 1/3 Cup Mango Kernel Oil
- Juice of 1 fresh lemon
- 10-15 drops of grapefruit essential oil
- Measure out salt into a bowl
- Add lemon juice
- Emulsify Grapefruit essential oil into mango oil
- Add oils to the salt mixture
- Store in airtight container.
That’s about it! Those suggested DIY products will definitely give your mom a beauty reminder that it is their rights to be beautiful no matter how old they are!
If you have any ideas to share, please feel free to leave a comment. 🙂
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.