This post is contributed by One Drop member – Kaye Ng.
Besides the normal uses of essential oils and their bottles, such as using digize for your tummy support, there are many other “cool” ways you can use your oils and the bottles too. Here is 10 other surprising ways that I use my oils and oil bottles for.
1. Turn them into an immediate reed diffuser by putting toothpicks into almost empty EO bottles.
2. Make flavored ice cubes for lemonade, water, or punch by adding a drop of essential oil to your ice tray. I love the citrus oils like lemon, lime, citrus fresh the BEST. If you want them prettier, add a mint leaf or a beautiful edible flower to each ice cube to make them pretty! You can also add fruits to give your drink an added yum factor.

3. Every drop of EO counts! When you are almost done with a skin-friendly essential oil, such as lavender, rose, helichrysum, or frankincense, add in your your toner of choice — such as witch hazel and you have your own toner right away!
4. Cotton balls! This is an essential oily tool to have. Stuff 2-3 cotton balls into an empty essential oil bottle and place the cap back on. Then let it sit overnight to soak up whatever oil is left. Remove the cotton the next day and right away you can put these cotton balls wherever you need such as in stinky shoes, in trash cans, in your car etc.
5. Make flavoured salt for cooking! Fill up your empty bottle of Vitality EO such as rosemary or lime with good quality edible salt like natural sea salt and pink himalayan salt and let it sit inside for more than 24 hrs. After that you are good to go! You know have salt for margaritas, fish, chicken, potatoes etc.
6. Such a simple idea, but use your bottles as mini flower vases!

6. Baking soda is your best friend. If you want to freshen up stinky places, buy a boy of baking soda. I normally buy a small box and drop in 5 – 10 drops of essential oils directly into the box and mix it up abit. To freshen up my refrigerator, I would then place the entire box INTO the fridge. It works wonders not absorb the smells and give my fridge a nice lemony (if i use lemon eo) scent after. Other times, I pour half a box of baking soda mixed with EO into the trash can or diaper pail before I put the bin liner on. Works wonders!
7. Disinfect your dish sponge! How many of you actually do this? Just because your dish sponge gets “washed” with soap doesnt mean that it doesnt harbour bacteria. In fact with all the water and food and oil particles, it can get rather nasty. Take your thieves oil or lemon oil and give a drop or two in a warm water basin and soak your sponge in there for a while. Helps kill everything!
8. Toilet air freshener? Drop a few drops of essential oil right into your brand new toilet rolls! Ta-dah right away you have a great smelling toilet!

9. Add your oils to your shampoos and body soaps. Well Young Living has the soap base where you can add your essential oils to, but you can also add them to your shampoos! Tea tree for example is a great one to add for a healthy scalp!
10. Drip oils everywhere. I know this sounds so simple, but some people dont realize that its really quite safe to drips oils everywhere so you can smell good stuff and freshen up areas wherever you go! These are some places that I love dripping my oils onto: Bed cover, Bathroom Mat, Car Mat, Dried Flowers and even directly on my clothes esp if they are dark coloured and made of a hardy material like denim.
What ways do you use your oils? Share them with us, we would love to know!
If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at kaye@onedrop.sg or sign up here to buy the products.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
“You have to see yourself as being successful now, not when you get there…because you never will if you can’t see it now and if you don’t believe it now it will not ever come because the universe doesn’t understand “someday.”” – Gary Young
Some people say,”Fake it until you make it.” That had never sit well with me because it simply is not in my blood to fake something I did not have. So, for a long while I really had a problem with the ways of the world we lived in…a world with many grey areas. It took me several years to finally understand and accept our world, yet I struggled to remain in me the person I am. My relationship and walk with God helped me a great deal, but today I am excited to share this learning from Gary, which helped reaffirmed what I needed to do to grow my Young Living team.
The entire transcript had been uploaded to our Learning Vault. Please email to admin@onedrop.sg with your name and member ID for access (exclusive to OneDroppers only). 🙂
Here are the 10 tips I summarised from Gary’s sharing along with oil recommendations that I think will help 🙂
Tip #1: When you are focused, nothing gets in your way
Gary called it ”looking at what you desire in life and what your purpose is. And that being more important than an injury or a sore toe or a headache, or whatever it might be, staying focused and true to your path.” Even with a fractured ankle and two blood clots blocking two veins, Gary still insisted on peddling and practicing for a cycling competition in France!
Another story shared in the transcript was that Gary was a network marketer himself too! And without any prior knowledge or training, he was drawing a check of $5,000 and $6,000 per month in just three months’ time after joining the company. He had a reason for doing so. He wanted to finish schooling and build a clinic. That was his focus and goal.
So start by finding your focus on your end-goal and do what you have to do to get there! Oils that helped me do this are Clarity, Awaken and Envision…oh yah and Believe too! Wear them like you will wear a perfume and inhale them all day long!
Tip #2: There is no such thing as failure
According to Gary, even if you fail, you have succeeded at failing, so you are a success! Gary shared that 90% of people who got into network marketing actually already see themselves as failures. So in a way, they are using their failure at network marketing to validate their failure and validate their self-sabotage, self-defeating behaviour patterns! So how do you sign up people who already sign up to be a failure???
You take ownership of yourself, change your own attitude and be successful because the Law of Attraction proves that successful people attract successful people! So know your people, and start teaching and educating and promoting the people who came into the company.
Gary’s Great Day Protocol is an awesome one to get through your days. You can check it out here: https://www.youngliving.com/blog/achieve-more-with-gary-youngs-great-day-essential-oils-protocol/
Tip #3: Understand your People and why they are signing up
Qualify them by asking them questions. Understand their dreams, their purpose at the moment. Not your purpose but their purpose! And there is nothing wrong with Young Living being 2nd or 3rd purpose. Know their dreams and help them achieve that. Teach them to build their dream even if it is not Young Living. There is nothing wrong with having two businesses. Let’s face it, how many successful people only has one business?
Our brain is not made to be single focus. We need to engage both minds or we will burn out! Wow…this is a total relief for me to hear. I am a hard-core multitasker and I feel so awful because I cannot focus on a single task. Now Gary’s saying that I am normal! And I am listening to both my minds…this is so awesome~
Definitely Brain Power EO (when I first signed up to work with Kai and KerYew…the first thing I did was to redeem a bottle of Brain Power and attached a roller figment to it because these 2 ladies are so dynamic and creative to work with!!!) oh and…taking the Mindwise Supplement helped me a lot too!
Tip #4: Treat it as a Business.
Structure it as a business. So, don’t go tell your people to not worry about hours, because if you do not set your timing properly, you will never treat it properly as a business. Act the part of the business person and create the frequency of success. It will come back to you and attract that same kind of person to you.
Put your bookkeeping system in place. Give your business a name, print your name card. Set the number of hours you work on your that business only. You really have to get your ass moving for this… no oils. It is so much more convenient for us now…just set up your facebook page…your instagram account…your blogsite. Just post and share something DAILY!
Tip #5: Study the Demographics around you, understand them and know where your potential lies.
Understand what you are dealing with. Selling Others or Self – SOS. If your new people tell you that they can’t sell themselves, have a good talk with them to find out why. One of the most common problem is that people can’t stand feared rejection. So what’s the best way to work on it? Get rejected and rejected and rejected until you get over it!
This is a very cool tip and I can totally relate it to this Tedtalk I watched called “ What I learned from 100 days of rejection by Jia Jiang”
You can check out the video here:
So I took a leaf from this learning and wrote down 50 names likely to reject me and I started calling them. Guess what? I have my hits! (of being rejected, remember the list is potential number of people who WILL REJECT me) and misses (for those who gave Young Living a shot…YIPPPEEE!!!) Working in reverse actually helped me garnered courage to talk to people. 🙂
Tip #6: Help your people see their dream.
The fact is that everyone has a dream and a goal. Young Living may not necessarily be it. So, what you do is you take them from where they are and direct them. Not bring them into your own dream and your own goal. But theirs!
People want to be heard. They want you to know about them. If they want products on body building, you share with them products about body building and not about the oils or Lavender shampoo! Don’t make assumptions about what they want. Qualify them by listening and let them lead you in their conversation as you listen and learn about them.
Tip #7: Avoid Burn-out
The brain has tremendous power and ability to recharge in just a matter of minutes, but if you stay in that brain-lock for another five or six hours, you are going to get burned out. This is why the school system runs a course for 45 minutes and then move to another class because researches have determined that the maximum saturation time for the brain is 45 minutes. However in a disciplined adult, Gary said we can concentrate for two hours! So plan your time – designate two hours for prospecting new distributors, two hours for teaching your downline, two hours for developing new information, two hours for writing. And in those two-hour segments, be totally focused and block everything else out.
Be 100% focused and there as you focused on that particular area or subject, and you are going to see the success just well up inside of you and around you!
Tip #8: Set Motivating Goals
When you feel you are not succeeding, you probably don’t have goals big enough to motivate you to look beyond what isn’t working in your life. This is one of the thing that is very very important. Gary is constantly in a creative mode. He is always looking for things to create…be it new formula, new treatment program or designing buildings or machinery. He never stop creating. Then great revelations will come that lead you to greater accomplishments!
Gary shared this quote from Napoleon Hill: “Any mind that remains brilliant, alert, receptive and flexible must be fed continuously from the storehouse of other minds. If this renewal is neglected the mind will atrophy, the same as will an arm or a leg that is taken out of use. This is in accordance with Nature’s laws. Study Nature’s plan and you will discover that every living thing from the smallest insect to the complicated machinery of the human being grows and remains healthy only by constant use.”
Tip #9: Key to Success – Tithe your Grain
Gary shared that he and Mary tithed 10% of their gross income. Some people said it is 10% of the net income but the decision is entirely yours. Tithing is a God-principle for you to experience success.
Especially if you live the laws of God.
Tip #10: Write a Business Plan
The dullest pencil is still sharper than the brightest mind. Only 6 out of 172 people wrote their business plan for their business. Work your numbers and get your facts down. When you don’t write a business plan, you don’t understand the potential you have around you. So you are not motivated to do more and greater…and you do just a little bit. So take the time to understand the potential around you and be motivated to do more and be greater. Gary said,”If you’re not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!” So start now! Start today by outlining a business plan! And when you do that, you will start your road of success!
Create so much excitement in your life that you don’t have to watch somebody else having fun! And as you become successful, people will gather around you and they will want to know your secrets!
Gary had never been a faker. He spoke from the heart and the truth. BUT he was conscious of looking professional. Looking like a businessman. Even though he had a twang of mountain accent, it did not hold him back. His reason: You have to see yourself as being successful NOW and not when you get there. See it now and believe it!
And did it work? I think it certainly did. Look at how much Young Living had grown and expanded in the last five years. If Gary had not stick to his visions for Young Living…if Gary had listened to others…if Gary had given up at any point…none of the knowledge or products he gave us could exist.
There are more nuggets of gold information in this training tape and I urge you to check out the full transcript in the Learning Vault if you are a OneDropper. If you are not a OneDropper, you may consider googling for the sales tape.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
I was shocked to realise that preparation for PSLE actually has to start in Primary 5 when I realized that the Prelims are in the month of August for the P6 students! And I thought I can dilly dally all the way until near the actual exam dates. But facts and research show that the more you practice, the better your brain retain the knowledge.
So, it really isn’t about being kiasu (Singaporean term for people who are overly eager and fear of losing to the point of losing themselves). It really is simply preparing your child to strive for a major milestone in their lives. I have to admit that I am very ‘kiasu’. I already am discussing with my 8 yr old daughter about the school of my choice for her after her PSLE. Yes! We are discussing so early already. At first, she disagreed with me. She wanted a school where she can just walk to. (it is really interesting how I have the exact same thoughts as her when I was choosing my schools! For me, it’s always about proximity!)
But Heidi soon realised where I am coming from with the school of choice for her. The school I had picked for her focuses on creativity and curriculums but not neglecting the academics. Their graduates are very creative and I feel have a great prospect upon graduation with their intentional diploma. HOWEVER, this school is going to take some efforts and determination to get in. Not only does she has to study hard, we have to start preparing and consolidating works for her portfolio for interview. Well…you can say I am being ‘kiasu’ since my daughter is now only 8 years old. But taking a leaf out of the Gary’s transcript “Plan and Work for Success” it is only right we guide our child to build a dream and make plans to get to their goals! Especially since we have those products on hand. They can support the person not just on the physical level but on so many different levels.
So how do we support our kids to keep them in tip-top condition for school and also enhance them for exams?
And so, I’ve identified seven areas we can support them on:
1.Oil for Immune
Most of us were sold by Thieves but are you aware that there is ImmuPower?
ImmuPower – A super duper powerful blend with Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Ravintsara, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin and Idaho Tansy. This is the one you will wanna get on your kiddo’s spine before they sleep if you don’t have enough time to do raindrop on them. This blend strengthens the immunity for optimized rest.
Caution: Possible skin sensitivity so do dilute with V6 where necessary.
2. Oil for Brain Health
Brain Power promotes deep concentration and channels physical energy into mental energy. Many of the oils in this blend are high in sesquiterpene compounds that increases brain activity. Use it by applying on the brain stem (back of head where the head and neck connects) or inhale directly from palm.
Another oil that I really must mention is DiGize. Huh? Isn’t DiGize a blend for the digestive system support?
Oh yes, it is! If you still have not hear about the brain-gut connection, then it is time you do!

Image credit: Beyond Addition
Over the years, science has proven that gut bacteria have neurotransmitter receptors that allow them to communicate directly with your brain via neural pathways, like super complex, high-functioning phone lines.
So, there you have it, Gut Health = Brain Health too. You may consider supporting the gut with supplements such as MightyPro, Ningxia Red, Life 9 or Mightyzyme too. Choose which one best work for you base on your child’s age and preference.
Stress can lead to constipation too. So with a strong functioning digestive system, there really is no chance for stress to affect there! J
3. Oil for Confidence
Valor and/or Believe. Get these 2 on your child before sending them out of the house. Drip on their pencil case or collar or whatever because they are OH-SO-IMPORTANT!
Valor was formulated to balance energies and instill courage, confidence and self-esteem.
Believe helps release the unlimited potential everyone possesses. It restores feelings of hope, making it possible to more fully experience life. There is power in believing in something. And now we have the scent to help you believe too. I once watched an episode of Smurf where Papa Smurf smudged some blueberry jam on the Timid Smurf’s nose. Papa Smurf told him that the special magical cream on his nose will help him become strong like the Strong Smurf. And lo and behold…in that particular episode, Timid Smurf was transformed! He was doing things we never saw him do. Rescue Smurfette…fight Gargamel…but at the end of the episode, Papa Smurf revealed that its simply blueberry jam that was on his nose. No magic. No spells. It was he, himself who did all of these when his doubts and fears were overcome!

“Believe you can and you are halfway there” – Theodore Roosevelt
4. Oil for Enhanced Performance
Highest Potential – Young Living’s founder’s favorite oil. This blend combines powerful emotional blends that elevates the mind as we gather our thoughts and mental energy to achieve our highest potential.
Biochemist R.W. Moncrieff wrote that Ylang Ylang soothes and inhibits anger born of frustrations. Jasmine spurs creativity while Lavender clears the thought processes for focused intention. And they are all part of Highest Potential oil blend.
5. Oil for Wisdom and Motivation
Frankincense is considered the “holy anointing oil” in the middle east and has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Use it to anoint your child for increased spiritual awareness and improved attitude. Include White Angelica too to give them a feeling of being protected all the time.
6. Oil for Focus
Clarity and Rosemary
Clarity is a blend that promotes a clear mind and amplifies mental alertness and vitality. It increases energy when overly tired and brings greater focus to the mind.
Rosemary helps overcome mental fatigue and improves mental clarity and focus. University of Miami scientists found that inhaling rosemary boosted alertness, eased anxiety and amplified analytic and mental ability.
7. Oil for Joy & Gratitude
And last but not least, remember to let your child wind-down at the end of the day by giving thanks and gratitude for all that had happened in the day. Oil them with Joy and/or Gratitude to appreciate the good work done for the day.
And having said all that, I am sure there are many many other oils that are of similar use in Young Living’s collection. I will be most delighted to hear about your oil testimonies and how you have supported your child during their exams. 🙂 Please drop me a comment if you have other oil suggestions.
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Kaye Ng.
Nothing is more disruptive to a kids life and schedule as when they fall sick. In fact, nothing is more disruptive to a MOTHER’S life when their kid falls sick. School, work, play, rest even meal times gets affected.
When my old kid was 6 months old, my household was dealing with a crazy bug. It went round and round and round my household for three months – me, my husband, the kiddos, the helper and then the process repeated all over again. That’s when I had enough; taking medicine for three months showed me that much of it was symptomatic relief. We were not living above the wellness line and thus, we kept falling ill. Thats when I started using essential oils. My first oil was Thieves, I diffused it all around my house and that was when the traveling bug stopped and we all got well!
Some essential oils work to help stimulate the production of the white cells that specifically fight infection, while others enhance cell regeneration that is an essential part of healing. We can also for rest and sleep to help accelerate healing and wellness.
Here are 5 of my favorite go to oils to help boost immunity when the going gets tough.
Oil of oregano is made of the leaves as well as flowers of the wild oregano plant discovered expanding naturally within the distant mountainous parts of the Mediterranean where there is no pollution. It is just a member of the mint family. The flowers and leaves are gathered once the oil content of the plant is in its highest. It features a history which extends back to the ancient Greeks, whose name for it translates into “joy of the mountain”. They used it to dealing with an infection associated illnesses and also diseases.
- Supports Immune System
- Supports Respiratory System
- Supports Digestive System
- Supports Muscular System
Mountain savory is also called Winter savory and White thyme. This herb is a perennial shrub that belongs to the mint family. It is inherent to Mediterranean and is widely distributed in Turkey, Southern Europe and Russia. Mountain savory essential oil is extracted with the process of steam distillation of whole herb. The color of the oil ranges from pale yellow to colorless possessing the sharp, peppery and slightly sweet aroma.
Mountain savory is also called Winter savory and White thyme. This herb is a perennial shrub that belongs to the mint family. It is inherent to Mediterranean and is widely distributed in Turkey, Southern Europe and Russia. Mountain savory essential oil is extracted with the process of steam distillation of whole herb. The color of the oil ranges from pale yellow to colorless possessing the sharp, peppery and slightly sweet aroma.
This oil acts as a great tonic for the body. It assists in the functions of nervous, immune and circulatory systems. It strengthens immunity and boost energy in those having lack of energy as well as motivation.
- Supports Immune System
- Supports Nervous System
- Increases Energy
- High Antioxidant Properties
Thieves is an essential oil blend and one of the best-selling products available from Young Living. Its blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated and wore a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals that they believed provided protection while they were robbing the dead and the dying. French authorities recognized that there was such value in this mixture that upon the thieves’ capture, they received a more merciful punishment on condition that they divulge the ingredients in their secret formula.
- Supports Immune System
- Supports Respiratory System
- Purifies Air
- Supports Circulatory System
ImmuPower – as its name suggest, it is a powerful blend of immune supporting essential oils. It is a blend made up of Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Camphor, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin and Dorado azul. The oils work together to protect our body, support our defense mechanism & restore balanced communication amongst our cells.
- Supports Immune System
- Supports Respiratory System
- Oxygenates Pineal and Pitutary Glands
- High in antioxidant Support
The essential oil of cumin is extracted from its dried and crushed seeds through steam distillation. Cumin is a popular spice all over the world, but nearly all the medicinal properties of cumin come from its essential oils, which, in its pure form, is far more effective and beneficial than cumin seeds. Cumin essential oil is mainly composed of Cuminic Acid, Cymene, Dipentene, Limonene, Phellandrene, and Pinene. It has astonishing medicinal properties and health benefits.
- Supports Immune System
- Supports Digestive System
- Aids in Detoxification
- Tones System Function
- Topical: Apply 1-2 drops under the feet 3-6 times a day.
- Diffusion: Diffuse 5-8 drops in an ultrasonic diffuser.
So the next time, you need help with the immune system, try any one of these oils or all 5 if you need!
If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at kaye@onedrop.sg or sign up here to buy the products.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Kaye Ng.
This month, YL released their Seed to Seal collectors set and its GORGEOUS! Not only that, these bottles come in never before 10mls!
Each set comes with a beautiful brochure that explains Young Living’s Seed to Seal process as well as containing 3 very special and useful oils (obviously though, I will not open my set! hahah)
So what and why is Seed to Seal so important for us?
Taken From the Seed to Seal Website:
Millions around the world have discovered the benefits of pure essential oils, derived naturally from plants. We’re committed to establishing and maintaining the ultimate, industry-leading standard in essential oil products. For us, the non-negotiable benchmarks for delivering a product that our customers can feel great about are multifaceted and exacting. We’re proud to offer an extensive line of essential oils and essential oil-infused, plant-based products that represent the best of nature—through the standards of our Seed to Seal program.
Young Living embraces a rigorous quality control standard to help ensure our products meet strict specifications. Seed to Seal is our set of standards that helps ensure that with every pure essential oil and Young Living product your family uses, you’re enjoying the benefits of our global resources, industry leadership, and over two decades of innovation. The result? A pristine final product that you know has been created with conscientious Sourcing, Science, and Standards—the three pillars of Seed to Seal.
As the leader of the essential oils movement, Young Living is paving the way for every other essential oil company to improve processes that protect our planet and ensure the highest quality standards.
Watch this video to learn more about how Young Living is driven by a desire to serve the global community and to inspire our employees and customers around the world.
Isn’t it amazing to see how our oils are produced? This is why we trust Young Living, because no corners are cut – every bottle of oil is created purely for its full therapeutic benefit. Now lets explore the three oils in the set.
Lavender is called the Swiss Army Knife of oils for a reason. Its versatility makes it an oil to keep on hand at all times. Lavender is most known for its relaxing and skin-care properties. Try diffusing before bed, adding a few drops to your bath, and enhancing your favorite skin-care product with a couple drops.
Lavender is called the Swiss Army Knife of oils for a reason. Its versatility makes it an oil to keep on hand at all times. Lavender is most known for its relaxing and skin-care properties. Try diffusing before bed, adding a few drops to your bath, and enhancing your favorite skin-care product with a couple drops.
• It has balancing, calming properties.
• It reduces the appearance of blemishes and enhances the appearance of a youthful complexion.
• It can soothe the skin after a day in the sun.
• It reduces the appearance of blemishes and enhances the appearance of a youthful complexion.
• It can soothe the skin after a day in the sun.
Peppermint is known for its cooling, tingling sensation when applied topically on the skin. The naturally occurring constituent menthol is responsible for this sensation, and many sports creams include a synthetic version of menthol. Peppermint is also a wonderful essential oil to create energizing aromas in your diffuser!
Peppermint is known for its cooling, tingling sensation when applied topically on the skin. The naturally occurring constituent menthol is responsible for this sensation, and many sports creams include a synthetic version of menthol. Peppermint is also a wonderful essential oil to create energizing aromas in your diffuser!
• It is cooling to fatigued muscles after physical activity.
• It creates an invigorating and refreshing experience when inhaled.
• It provides a refreshing experience when mixed with your favorite shampoo or applied to skin after a warm day in the sun.
• It creates an invigorating and refreshing experience when inhaled.
• It provides a refreshing experience when mixed with your favorite shampoo or applied to skin after a warm day in the sun.
Tea Tree oil, also known as Melaleuca Alternifolia or Melaleuca oil, is one of the most widely used and extensively researched essential oils, making it a must-have for every home. Add a couple drops to your Thieves Household Cleaner for an extra clean, add it to your favorite DIYs, or apply it on your skin to help reduce the appearance of blemishes. Tea Tree is a key oil in our Maximum-Strength Acne Treatment.
Tea Tree oil, also known as Melaleuca Alternifolia or Melaleuca oil, is one of the most widely used and extensively researched essential oils, making it a must-have for every home. Add a couple drops to your Thieves Household Cleaner for an extra clean, add it to your favorite DIYs, or apply it on your skin to help reduce the appearance of blemishes. Tea Tree is a key oil in our Maximum-Strength Acne Treatment.
• It reduces the appearance of blemishes, cleanses skin, and can help maintain healthy-looking skin.
• It can help eliminate musky odors.
• It has cleansing properties.
• It helps maintain the appearance of healthy skin and nails when applied to feet and toenails.
• It can help eliminate musky odors.
• It has cleansing properties.
• It helps maintain the appearance of healthy skin and nails when applied to feet and toenails.
Go collect this set of oils right away! IT IS A COLLECTORS ITEM! 🙂
If you are interested in trying out the Young Living oils, or would like to find out more do drop me an email at kaye@onedrop.sg or sign up here to buy the products.