This post is contributed by One Drop member – Enrica Yuan.
“She would like to walk with you till the last step of her journey; for now, she still would like to go on her own. Can you do her a favour? She is concerned and worried about you. Can you try to let go of the guilt in your heart? She wants you to know she had a happy life with you and also know you spend as much time as you can with her. She has contented already. She knows, in your heart, work and she are equally important. She showed me an image of her pawing at your heart, trying to ease your heart pain and comfort you. She says mummy must be strong like jingle belle! Whenever you hear bells, think of her 🙂 After she crosses over, she will come back and help you with your work!”
Those were Belle’s last words to me, 3 days before she passed on. I engaged an Animal Communicator to speak to her if she wanted medical assistance to transit or she prefers to stay with us till her last breath.

I rescued XiaoBai (a cross JRT and Maltese) during Chinese New Year 2006 at a void deck. He was probably abandoned by his ex owner because he was sick. XiaoBao passed on within months after I rescued him. It was after XiaoBai that I decided to do more rescue work, and I found Bobby in March 2006. Bobby had a sad story. He was being rehomed 7 times and I was his 8th owner, I promise him we will walk this journey together, never to have him rehomed again. After having Bobby for a few months, I came to know about this sweet little girl who was up for adoption. Her name is Belle, and she responded cheerfully whenever we called her “Jingle Belle Belle”. I don’t know if Belle will fit into our family so we decided to try out as “WEEKEND PARENTS”. We brought her home from Friday to Sunday, where she will take part in everything we do. From grooming to dog runs, to pet cafes, and slowly, Bobby also came to accept her as part of our family. We love Belle very much , and after three months of being a weekend parent, my friend gave Belle up to us for adoption as he was not able to support owning a pet anymore.

Belle refuses to communicate with me directly but through an Animal Communicator. Even when she was talking to the Animal Communicator, she was speaking for me. I remembered in August 2018; I engaged Laura Bird to talk to Belle. I was so afraid that Belle would be gossiping about me being a bad owner, but she did not. Everything she said to the Animal Communicator was all the goodness about me. It was never about her. I remembered the session was so vulnerable, and the three of us (Belle, Laura Bird and me) hugged and cried so much. Belle probably also knew she has less than a year to be with us. She honoured what the universe has for her, and we spent the next few months having faith we each other.
We sent Belle to the vet because she was in a lot of pain. The vet told us that she has end stage kidney failure and her days are numbered. She was so much in pain that she couldn’t eat, the toxin accumulated in her small petite body has gone to her brain. If she is not sleeping, she will be walking in circles and she even attempted to knock her head on the wall. In short, she is in bad shape.
We know we cannot be selfish and keep her any more. Her kidneys and brain was failing. She wasn’t sleeping well, and we have to use FRANKINCENSE and LAVENDER to comfort her to sleep.

I was relieved for Belle when she finally crosses the bridge to the rest she rightfully deserved. For our case, it was not us who could not let go. It was Belle who cannot let go. She struggled to stay with me as much as she can, and she even cried in her last few moments before crossing the bridge. We told her, “It’s ok to go and look for your freedom…”
One thing I am very thankful for was that Belle chose to be with Lorbert and me when she left. Lorbert was away when Bobby left us, and that had always been a sort of regret for us. But we also come to term that Bobby probably also wanted time alone with me.
Death and dying are not scary. What matters most are the times spent together.
If you like Enrica’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils, you can click here.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Johnathan Oh
Don’t we all love tempura? The crispy texture when you sink your teeth into one of those morsels. The delicious dipping sauce that was served with it. The only thing that I ever hated about tempura is that they are so delicious I need to spend a lot of money to eat such quantity that actually satisfies me! So what if you can make equally delicious tempura at home at a fraction of that cost? Go get your ingredients and let’s eat tempura!
This recipe is really simple and its a wonder why I didn’t do this earlier. Yeah yeah, the cleaning and all but hey, we are not going to eat it everyday right? Indulge in it once in a while by making a bigger batch and suck up the TLCs. I have developed a Umami sweet sauce that goes tremendously well with the tempura!
Ingredients (Batter):
- 2 Tablespoon of Potato starch
- 6-10 Tablespoon of Plain flour
- 1 Cup of ice cold water (You can also choose to add 1 Cup of ice cold beer)
- 4 – 5 ice cubes
- Some plain flour for dusting the ingredients
- Cooking oil (High temperature type e.g. Peanut, canola, coconut etc.)
Ingredients (suggestion):
- Sweet potatoes
- Eggplant
- Pumpkin
- Okra
- Kale
- Shiitake mushroom
- Oyster mushroom
- Prawns/Crabs/fish fillet
Secret Tempura sauce ingredient:
- 1 Tablespoon Shoyu sauce
- 2 Tablespoon of Yukon syrup
- 1 drop Lime Vitality Essential Oil
- Sesame oil
- Salt to taste
- Chilli flakes (your preference)
- Cut up the ingredients into desired shape and size. For eggplant, halves it lengthwise and cut them into sections followed by fanning.
- Heat up the cooking oil.
- Dry the ingredients and dust them with plain flour. Shake off the excess flour. Set aside.
- Mix the batter ingredients together. Don’t mix it too finely, it is supposed to be lumpy.
- Drop some batter into the frying pan to check whether the oil is bubbling hot.
- If it is hot, coat the ingredients (one-by-one) into the batter and drop into the oil.
- Fry until slightly golden brown. Remove, shake off excess oil and place on a rack to cool down.
- Add the Shoyu sauce, Yukon syrup, ONE drop of Lime Vitality Essential Oil, a dash of sesame oil and salt into a bowl and mix well. Taste and adjust to preference.
- Drizzle some sauce on the rice, place your tempura on top the rice, drizzle with the secret tempura sauce, drizzle with some chili flakes or paprika (optional) and serve!
If you like Johnathan’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please email Johnathan here. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here to join Johnathan and his team.

This post is contributed by One Drop Member – Joline Lee.
Emotional changes I feel after using feeling kit
Your emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical wellbeing. If not more, every emotion, every thought of yours affects every cell in your body.
“Feeling kit is not only going to enhance and empower you in dealing with things of the past and letting go of limitation that has been caused by negative emotion, negative memories and anger but also it will enable you to empower your immune system. Because as you let go of negative things, your cortisol level will drop and your immune system function will work more efficiently so it is not just about emotion but also about physical well being as well” – Gary Young
The science…
“Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the potent interaction between our psychological state of mind and our cellular and immune function. It examines the direct influence that state of mind- ranging from contentedness and well being to joy and delight- have on the message our brain sends to our immune system, our nerves, and our cells.
In simplest terms, the science of PNI is the study of how our mental and emotional state, the very way we think and act, can maximise our ability to heal- and enhance our overall physical health.”
Extracted from The last best cure: my quest to awaken the healing parts of my brain and get back my body, my joy and my life by Donna Jackson Nakazawa
A bit on my background…
I have chronic conditions ever since I was a child. It has been over twenty years. My conditions not only change me physically but also emotionally especially so because this rare condition causes me to look different from normal people. I was bullied, teased, laughed and stared at by people. My life was all about seeing doctor after doctor, treatment one after another, hospital stays… I had no friend. My life has been emptied of all joy. Under all these pressure, I withdrew to my own world, keeping to myself. I became a deeply private person. I felt that no one understood me… Words simply cannot express the pain, hurt and struggle that accompanied me throughout my childhood and into my adult life. Even till today, I feel trapped. It is like Karol K Truman’s book titled “Feelings buried alive never dies”. Well enough of my boring story; I believe you already know where I am coming from…
What did I feel when I first started using the oils?
When I first started using the feeling kit. I experienced disturbing sleep; it felt like something inside my head is struggling to be released. I tossed and turned half asleep and half awake unable to shrug off the feeling. This continued for about two weeks.
I couldn’t remember when it happened. One day, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night sobbing! I don’t know why I am crying. I just felt so sad, so heartbroken without any reason at all! Thinking back it really surprises me as I am not the crying sort of person. However, after that incident, I was able to sleep more peacefully. It is like whatever that is struggling to get out of me was finally free!
Fast forward to months later…
The changes I feel after using feeling kits for three months:
Changes No. 1: I feel more at peace with myself and calmer. I used to be very quick at blaming myself. For not doing more to keep myself healthy. For eating all those junk food. For this and that. I still blame myself at times but I am better at letting go now. Forgiven is the greatest grace one should shower upon themselves.
Changes No 2: I can better address my emotions. I used to just feel anxiety, stress, and worry all the time. Now I am able to check in with myself. What am I feeling exactly at this point of time? Is it sadness? Why am I feeling sad? Then I tell myself it’s ok. And talk myself out of it.
Changes No 3: I feel less frustrated. I used to be very short temper. My mom suffered the most from it *guilty* because I feel she is naggy and often asks silly questions. Being less frustrated now resulted in more patience. Healing your own emotions actually benefits people around you too!
Change No 4: I am now more willing to speak up. I like to keep to myself. Talk to myself using my thoughts. I feel that talking is tiring. Now I am more open to sharing, speaking up and asking.
Changes No 5: I feel more in the presence resulting in less fear about the future and more courage. Changes No 4 & 5 is most likely the reason why I am sharing such a private side of me by writing this post!
Changes No 6: Better sleep!
Changes No 7: I feel more positive about my life. That means less time feeling depressed! I used to live in the past now I look forward to future.
Changes No 8: I have more tolerance toward the person I have difficulty with.
Changes No 9: The last and the best! I feel happier generally! Resulting in a lighter body. It’s like baggage on me disappear. Healthier emotions = healthier body!
I know I still have a long way to go toward releasing more of my buried emotions but this has been an amazingly good start. I look forward to more transformation!
If you have a chronic condition, I encourage you to also do the same.
Together we achieve!
What’s feeling kit?
Feelings features six essential oil blends formulated by D. Gary Young to promote emotional clearance and self renewal. It’s Gary’s favourite kit. Gary found that these six essential oil blends lift the senses above negativity and move one forward despite painful memories.
The blends inside Feelings are Valor®, Harmony™, Forgiveness™, Inner Child™, Release™, and Present Time™.
For the step-by-step guide to using the Feelings Kit, do check out this blog entry by Ranna.
Joline is a member of OneDrop and shares information about Young Living products on her facebook page – Droplet of Gem. If you like Joline’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils, please feel free to get in touch with Joline or sign up directly here.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Ranna Seah.
A few days ago, this article by CNA caught my attention. The article is about this Singaporean lady, Sharon, who was treated with antibiotics for UTI but due to resistance to antibiotics, the infections spread to her kidneys! YIKES!!! She was fine in the end but this sounded some alarm bells in me as I was dealing with UTI and Yeast Infection just recently. Ever since my hot springs dipping in Japan early in June this year, I’ve been feeling very uncomfortable with my…ahem…’Lady Garden’. Suspecting that my discomfort was from the hot springs since this is the 2nd time I got it. The first infection experience I got was 2008 after bathing in hot springs too! Tour guides (usually guys) will always advise us not to wash/rinse off the sulphur/minerals after hot spring dipping. So I stupidly heeded their advice not to rinse off after dipping.
Armed with that suspicion about hot spring, I did a google and found this article by this Taiwanese dermatologist. The article stated that about 72 percent of women experienced genital itching or irritation after bathing in hot spring. So the dermatologist advised women to wash their “lady garden” well after bathing in hot springs. OMG…I wished I hadn’t listened to the tour guides!
Below are symptoms of UTI and Yeast Infection:
Symptoms of UTI | Symptoms of yeast infection |
pain and burning when urinating | pain when urinating or having sex |
feeling the need to urinate more often than usual, even when you don’t actually have to relieve yourself | itchiness in the affected area (such as your vagina and vulva) |
awakening from sleep to go to the bathroom | swelling in the affected area (for a vaginal yeast infection, that would be in the vagina and vulva) |
discolored or cloudy urine that may be red or pink from blood | pain in the affected area |
foul-smelling urine | having unusual, generally odorless, vaginal discharge that is thick and milky looking (for vaginal yeast infections) |
fever or chills, vomiting, or nausea, which may all be signs of a more serious infection | |
pain or feeling of pressure in your lower abdomen, back, and sides | |
pain in your pelvis, especially if you’re a woman |
I was having symptoms from both categories! Itchiness…checked! Awakening from sleep to go to the bathroom…checked! Vaginal discharge that is thick and milking looking…checked! (churning cottage cheese, my hub says…@#!$%#) Pain…discomfort, not yet pain…feeling of pressure in lower abdomen and sides…checked!
Apparently, you can get yeast infection when you contact UTI simply because the antibiotics prescribed to treat UTI can kill off beneficial bacterial that prevent the overgrowth of yeast. And douching is not recommended simply because douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina (called vaginal flora). These changes make the environment more favourable for the growth of bacteria that cause infection.
So this cannot, that cannot…what should I DO???? Now aren’t I glad I have my oils with me???
But before I proceed, here are some practical ways to preventing UTI & Yeast Infection:
- Drink water. Check your urine. Urine colours darker than pale yellow is an indication to increase fluid intake.
- Probiotics can stop infections bacteria from ascending the urinary tract and prevent UTIs from occurring. (Think Life9)
- Raise your pH with foods high in antioxidants. (NingXia Red!)
- Hygiene Practises:
- wiping front to back
- urinating frequently will help to flush out bacteria before it has a chance to multiply
- avoid allergens such as feminine deodorant sprays or bubble bath.
- wear breathable material such as cotton and prevent moisture accumulating and leading to bacterial overgrowth.
And here’s how you can manage with Young Living products if you have UTI or Yeast Infection:

- Take your Ningxia Red. 60ml to 120ml a day as antioxidant drinks gives you a higher pH urine and makes it unfriendly for the yeast to hang around.
- Take your Life9 as the restoration of the urogenital flora may protect against UTIs.
- Drip Essential oils such as Melaluca Alternifolia, Myrrh, Oregano Rosemary, Palo Santo, Thieves or Purification on your cotton panty direct for some aromatherapy throughout the day. (I swear by the newest Australian Ericifolia…it is SO GOOD…)
- Douche (see the appliance above) with a tablespoon of Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash and clean water every night. (I swear by it! This is the best!)
- The next in line to take care of are our kidneys. Support your kidneys with Carrot Seed, Juniper or the blend GLF. I will apply the oils topically over the kidney area neat. Mix with V6 if you have sensitive skin.
Optional: Supplementing with SuperC is also good to up your immune system.
After battling with UTI and Yeast Infection for almost 3 months with the oils keeping them under control. I decided to speed up after reading the CNA article and started supplementing with Life9 and douching with Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash. So far so good! I am sleeping better for sure!
I hope my sharing is helpful to you. I am surprised by the number of people affected by UTI yearly. According to the Ministry of Health’s list of principal causes of death here, UTI ranked eighth, higher than chronic obstructive lung diseases and type 2 diabetes. The numbers showed that 2 per cent of total deaths were caused by UTI each year – more than 400 people. Oh and since emptying your bladder is crucial to keeping UTI at bay, you will have to over come your fear of using the public toilet. Especially if you are travelling. One great tip from Magdalene Kline is to carry around a Thieves Spray and disinfect that toilet seats. 🙂
Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/antibiotic-resistance-uti-among-top-10-causes-of-death-in-11944586
If you like my articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please drop me a message here or email me at fabulana@gmail.com. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here. I would love to support you in using the oils for yourself and your loved ones.

This post is contributed by One Drop member – Johnathan Oh
Demo Class in YL SG Office: Chicken Alfredo
Chicken and cream sauce goes very well with each other especially the Alfredo sauce. Note that this recipe is different from a Chicken Fricassee (a dish of stewed or fried pieces of meat served in a thick white sauce) as we will be pan frying the chicken breasts to perfection and serves it with the Alfredo sauce instead of slow cooking or poaching the chicken in the white sauce. I have served this dish with egg Parpadelle pasta but you may also serves it with bread or on its very own. I hope that you will find it to be a keeper!
4 Chicken breasts
Salt and black pepper
Unsalted Butter
2 cloves of Garlic
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Essential Oil mixture (see below)
Ingredients (Sauce):
150ml Chicken stock
200ml cooking cream
5 teaspoons of plain flour
100g Brown mushroom
2 whole Leeks
2 teaspoons of Dijon Mustard
4 Chicken breasts
Salt and black pepper
Unsalted Butter
2 cloves of Garlic
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Essential Oil mixture (see below)
Ingredients (Sauce):
150ml Chicken stock
200ml cooking cream
5 teaspoons of plain flour
100g Brown mushroom
2 whole Leeks
2 teaspoons of Dijon Mustard
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
How to use Essential Oil (EO) for cooking:
First and foremost, please check and ensure that the essential oils that you intend to use are safe for ingestion. I got mine from here, so I know that I could use them with a peace of mind.
I use Rosemary and Lemon Essential Oil for this recipe. In order to use Essential Oil (EO) for this recipe, please adhere to the following:
- DO NOT use EO from unknown, unspecified and unverified sources (Can’t stress this enough)
- DO NOT drip the EO directly on your dish
- DO NOT use EO on direct heat to avoid destroying the benefits of the EO
This is how you SHOULD do when using the EO for cooking this recipe. Pour some cooking oil into a small bowl, then add in(dilute) the Essential Oil so that you can add the EO evenly to the dish. By the way, dripping the EO directly on the dish will not cause you to die from EO overdose BUT it will definitely destroy your dish. No one likes a full mouthful of EO.
Essential Oil mixture
For this dish, add ONE drop of ROSEMARY Essential Oil and ONE drop of LEMON Essential Oil into a small bowl. Add 1-2 Tablespoon of EVOO in the same bowl and stir to mix. This Essential Oil mixture is to be added to the chicken breasts.
- Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper.
- Heat up a pan and add EVOO to fry the chicken breasts skin side down for 5-6 minutes. Turn the chicken breast over and add 2-3 knobs of butter and two whole cloves of garlic into the pan, baste and fry the chicken for another 5-6 minutes.
- Add a tablespoon of water into the pan, cover the pan and switch off the flame to let the chicken breasts cook and rest in the pan for 10 minutes.
- Wash and cut the mushroom and leeks into bite size.
- Heat up a big pan. Add 3-4 Tablespoon of EVOO into the pan and add in the mushroom and leek to fry for 5-6 minutes. Remove and set it aside.
- Using the same pan, add 2 Tablespoon of EVOO and a knob of butter. Add 5 teaspoons of plain flour into the pan to make a Roux.
- Add the chicken stock and whisk them into the Roux. Add the mushroom and leeks into the pan. Bring to boil and let cook for 3-4 minutes or until leek is slightly transparent.
- Add the cooking cream and juice from the fried chicken breasts into the pan. Turn down the heat and mix well. Taste and season if required.
- Mix 1 drop of Rosemary Plus EO and 3 drops of Lemon Plus EO with 1 Tablespoon of EVOO. Set aside to be drizzled over the sliced chicken breasts.
- Spoon the alfredo sauce over a plate. Slice the chicken breasts (or served whole) and place it on top of the Alfredo sauce on the plate. Drizzle the Essential Oil mixture over the chicken and serve with bread or your favourite pasta.
If you like Johnathan’s articles and would like to purchase the Young Living oils or have further clarifications, please email Johnathan here. If you are ready to sign up as member to purchase, you can click here to join Johnathan and his team.